Wednesday, 3 October 2007

life = 0

been a while since i last posted... but I hate posting for the sake of posting. Also, I've been crazy busy working on my site... but more about that later...

Right now however, I have bigger fish to fry.

I think I have serious problems. I've noticed that for some unknown reason, I don't do anything worth talking about except for work. I don't play any sport. I don't go to gym. I don't have a whole gang (20+) of friends with whom I do crazy stuff...
I only have a few friends. And most of which i only see on some odd weekend when we go for drinks or whatever. Apart from that, I can't really say, "my friends and I had a tough game of ............................. last week." Or that my arm is sore from that .................................. move I did at the gym yesterday.

It might sound weird to hear a 22yr old saying these things but they're true. I'm seriously starting to bore myself now. I need a flippin hobby or something. I don't even have a flipping PlayStation or anything like that. At least then I'd say I have something to entertain or occupy myself with. But I just don't. I wish I could blame something or someone else... but I really can't...

I suck at soccer/football. And everybody knows that (almost) all black people love soccer. I don't like watching the damn sport. I'd much rather watch Rugby or Cricket or something. I don't enjoy soccer at all. That explains the disinterest and inability to play. Not the other way round.
Actually, I don't really care if I can play of not.

Then comes PS games and such...

hhmmmm... this is a tough one...

Sometimes I wish I had a console to play RPGs & FPS and driving/racing games but somehow the wish isn't that strong to push me into buying one. I love playing games. I love playing games I don't even know coz somehow I end up being good at them even if it's the first time playing.
But still... it's not motivation enough... :/

It's not nice being me sometimes...

I think I might end up boring people to death...
I've decided...
I'm gonna start something... not too sure what... but something's coming... watch this space...