I remember a time where KitKat came in that silver foil thingy you could slice open with your pinky fingernail? Hwy the fingernail you ask? Well, simple... that's what the guy in the ad did. And the all the girls thought it was the coolest thing ever!
Remember how you (actually I don't know about you, but I know I sure do) had the '2-finger' one for when times where hard?

Then as years rolled by, they introduced the 8-finger KitKat, the KitKat Chunky, and one with white chocolate instead of the usual brown - never really liked that one.
Clearly the people at Nestle don't wanna experiment with the South African market, coz there are around 25 different flavours of KitKat out there. Bastards!

Either way, I'm pretty sure I'd still stick to the ordinary one even if they did. Simply because it reminds me of when I was still a kid and used to wait for my mother to get back from work so she can give me R1.50 (1 Rand, fifty cents) to at least buy myself a 2-finger KitKat when the craving was really bad.
But during the school holidays when the living was easy, I knew I would wake up and there'd be at least R3 (3 Rand) to at least hook up the real McCoy... 4-fingers of pure heavenly bliss.
Being an only child has it's perks sometimes. But I had to wake up early so I can run to the corner store to buy it before my friends saw me, so I could indulge at my own pace. In the peace and quietness of home.
I remember the one time, I went to get my 2-finger fix (OMFG... that sounds so peadophilic...ew!).
Anyway. This one time, I ran into my one friend on my way back home. I was already visualising enjoying my KitKat in silent solitude. I quickly slid it in my back pocket. I remember coz I was wearing my favourite orange corduroy pants, you know how hot they get - yes ladies, I've been a fashionista from way back... Long story short... I ended up spending most of the day with him.
Needless to say when I finally got home at the end of the day, my dearest KitKat didn't quite end up as God intended. Most of it ended up on my pants, and the rest was just spread out all over the foil thingy.
Being the addict that I am. I didn't let even one calorie go to waste. I wasn't brought up like that.
I licked that pocket like it owed me something! My mother shook her head in amazement as she struggled to pull the pants away from me. As if to save them or something.
She didn't win.
I needed a break! Not just any kinda break, I'm talking about the kinda break only KitKat can give you!!
I'm a chocolate fiend, I'm not gonna lie...
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