I know at least 2 people who's birthday it is today.
One of them... well, the obvious... Nelson Mandela. Happy birthday dude!!
The other, my number one best-est friend in the whole wide world. Let's just call her F for now. ;) [pictured above]
It goes without saying that her birthday just might go unnoticed, coz Mandela's gonna be shining on her shine.
But I've got my priorities in check.
I know where my loyalties lie.
I called her at 5:30 am today just to wish her a happy birthday. sidenote: I didn't wake up at 5:30 just to call her, we (me & my girlfriend) were lying awake waiting for the alarm to go off (@ 6am) when she reminded me that it's F's birthday today. So we woke her up and sang for her. Turns out she had forgotten to set her meditation alarm (which is at 5am). So not only was it a thoughtful gesture, it also helped her start her day on a high note. With friends like us, who needs meditation?
Anyway. I just wanted to make sure the world knew that it's my best friend's birthday today and I hope she grows younger as the years go by.
Love you my friend!
Enjoy your day, and tomorrow, and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that!!
This is her, by the way... clickclick!
2 killa comment(s): on "It's a happy birthday!!"
Aaaah, friend, this means a lot to me... You are the most awesome-st friend, a girl could ever ask for. I love you...
Thanks a lot friend o' mine!
Love you too!!
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