30 x Saisbury's Luxury Belgian Milk Chocolate
3 x ScotBlok Chocolate Flavour
Cake Covering
6 x Loacker Quadratini chocolate wafers
1 x Wallpaper
dipping trough
1 x Sticky backed vinyl floor tile
Day 1: We cut out the KitKat logo from the floor tile and stuck it to the bottom of the trough ( in reverse). Melted about 1 third of the chocolate and poured it into the mould.
Then melted the rest of the chocolate and poured it carefully around the wafers, then over the top.
Day 3: Refregirate for 12hours

Please don't sue me.
If you know where this idea comes from, please let me know so I can credit who I need to.
Otherwise, this is pure heaven for a KitKat junkie like me...
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