I just got back from someone's office. (after a few minutes of ultimate relaxation) I noticed he had only 32 emails in his Inbox.
Or maybe it's because I'm in IT and don't have a limit on my mailbox.
I have a good 30+ emails that I haven't read. Simply because I don't think they're that important.

I have close to 2000 items in my Inbox. Most of which are from October last year.

I have another 1000+ emails in my Sent Items. 90% of which I've never really needed to refer to.

Plus, I have quite a number of sub-folders under Inbox. Lord only knows how many each one has.
I read somewhere (I think it was either this month's MensHealth or the Sunday Times) that having so many emails from so long ago is somewhat related to ADD. A statement to which I say... boolshit!
I call it It's-Not-Even-Important-Enough-To-Delete Disorder or INEIMETDD. A nightmare to abbreviate. But a scientific fact. (As documented in the PaperCut Scientific Journal of Scientifically Correct Facts; Whitepaper on Human Phsyco-analysis, Volume 12, issue #207)
Just because I have thousands and thousands of emails, doesn't necessarily make me a statistic.
Just means that I don't think your email is important enough for me to even waste my time to delete it (nevermind read it).
But all that's gonna change. I'm gonna clean everything out!
If you're still waiting for a reply from an email sent anytime before today. Well, tough... it's gone.
At least you'll get that "Your message was deleted without being read" thing.
And if we've ever talked about anything incriminating, don't worry; the slate's being wiped clean.

I'm proud of myself!
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