I've decided I'm cancelling my Men's Health subscription.
For some reason, I don't think I'm the target audience. I think over the past 2 years, 30+ copies (from issue 100) later, I'm just not who they are talking to.
I wont lie and say I never really found the magazine useful in any way. I actually have. I can't say I did the theory and tried it out on someone. It's just that some things you just need to read them in a magazine before you really really know about them.
I dunno whether you understand me...
I just don't think titles like "Burn Fat Fast" right next to "Things She Wants You to Know" still appeals to me anymore. Besides the fact that I renewed my subscription. ONCE. I still feel like I've come full circle. I mean I've never even once used their A.B.S.D.I.E.T. program. It just wasn't meant for me. I'm lean enough as it is. I don't really need a new workout plan.
So I've decided, I'm gonna go for something that's totally directed at me 100% from cover to cover. Tomorrow's Technology Today (a.k.a. T3). Gadgets gadgets and more gadgets. From the skimpily-clad covergirl (sporting whatever gadget's featured in the mag) to the ads. No more... "Eat this... Not that...". Time for some serious geekspeak.
For some reason I just don't think I was ever gonna win the "Belly Off" contest!
I've had enough of those black & white male models, it's time for some girls in bikinis so I can balance everything out. 30+ copies of magazines with b&w male models right next to the full color girls.
Finally the yang will meet it's yin.
Don't worry Men's Health people, I'll still be a proud subscriber to Men's Health Living. Now THAT is relevant to my interests. LOL!

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