Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Complacency is death

I think I need a change.
I need a more rewarding line of work.
Not necessarily money-wise.
I'm cool with that.
I need a new lease on this whole work-life thing.

I need to be doing more than what I'm doing now.
I wanna come to work, be presented with a challenge other than doing the same thing I've been doing for the past ±4 years.

To come to work and be allowed full creativity.
No needless paperwork — memos, requests for this and that...
Just allow me to create.
I'm stifled by all these bureaucratic loops and hurdles I have to jump through every time.


I need to go deeper into the creative industry.
Completely immerse myself in it.
I feel that I might regret/resent the decisions I'm (not) making right now.
Hopefully the magazine industry will allow me an outlet for all these pent-up creative juices.

I'm a creative, but I'm not really creating anything (new).
I hate this feeling.
I'm limited.
Either I'm limited by my environment or I'm allowing my environment to limit me.

I keep making excuses about what's in the way of me going a specific direction.
This instead of just going that direction and throwing caution to the wind.


I feel that I have a built-in timeline for how long I stay in one job — 4 years.

It took me that many years to start really hating my previous job and looking for a way out.
I'm almost four years into this one, and complacency is already starting to kick in.
I hate that.
Mainly because deep down, I really love my job and enjoy it.
I hate feeling like I have nothing more to offer, because of all these red tapes.

I wish government would allow for more freedom.
Maybe if the people in charge were from the private sector.
Government needs a private sector mindset in order to move forward.
And this is not only internally. 


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