That's what Donald Trump said on last night's episode of The Apprentice.
He said: "I have a problem with people. I hate people. Someone can say something to me and I can hate them. I take things very personal."

Those might not have been his exact words, but you get what I'm saying. The reason I couldn't hear anything is because that woman with the high-pitched voice kept yapping (pictured below), I filtered her noises out. I only heard when Trump said that. I don't know what triggered it though.

I realised that I'm more or less like that. Not to compare myself to The Donald or anything, but in all honesty, I have the same problem.
I snap at people. I slip into defensive-mode very easily. I hate it when people decide that whatever I say or do is wrong, simply because they think it's wrong for me to say whatever it is I may have said.
I hate that.
Don't get me wrong, I welcome all disagreements to whatever it is I say or do; just don't come and tell me that I shouldn't have done or said that. I don't live my life to please you. Or anybody else for that matter.
I don't see why I (or anybody else) have to conform to what society considers normal or appropriate or whatever the fuck.
I don't care about conformity or normalcy. Especially if it's according to your standards. In that case I care even less. It's that simple.
I'll give you an example... a very fresh example at that:
I wrote on a "celebrity's" wall on Facebook that I shared a star sign with that particular "celebrity", and left it at that. I wasn't expecting a greeting card/SMS/email/special-unmarked-box/reply/anything from her, I just wrote there because I felt like it.
Then a few hours later, I get a message from a friend of mine (also on Facebook) saying that I shouldn't embarrass myself by writing on that celebrity's wall, because they have 3500 "friends".
I mean what the fuck!? What does it have to do with you on whose I choose to write? Does either of us lose credibility as friends. What do I get for not writing on there? Do I stay on your list of "Cool friends" longer?
Don't bother answering!
I don't care!
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