Filled with an undisclosed amount of awesome!
There's just so many things I would like to do and achieve in my life that I feel like everything else is just a continuous procrastination.
I wanna do things. Create stuff. Design captivating graphics/website/whatever. Engaging creations. So much. I wanna see my stuff being featured on magazines. On randome websites. I wanna know more than I do now. I wanna learn stuff. I wanna teach myself stuff. I wanna see exactly how far I can get as an individual. As young as I am. I feel like I haven't achieved enough. I want more. I'm not greedy, I'm just hungry for knowledge.
And it seems like everyday a new dream pops up. Every chance I get, a new idea crosses my mind and leaves behind its indelible footprints which bother me non-stop. I've got so many things lined up in my head, I wonder if my time on this Earth will be long enough for me to achieve them all. Sometimes I wish I didn't have to work 8 hours a day so I can realise my dreams.There's just so much I want to accomplish before I reach my death. I'm not being morbid or anything, I'm just being real about things. We all know we're gonna all perish one day. None of us are guaranteed a permanent stay on this planet. Unless you know something he rest of us don't.
I wanna change so many lives. I wanna give so much of me to so many people. People I don't even know. And not in a huge charity event involving sponsorships and whatever. I wanna help people who are far less fortunate than I have been. Sounds cheezy and I don't care. (Funny I should say this coz I don't even give money to beggars. In fact beggars anger me. I don't understand the logic behind someone who'd rather stand at a street corner and beg, rather than work for a sanitation company cleaning bathrooms. Anyway)
I wanna see more of the world. I don't wanna be old and wrinkly at 86 or whatever and only tell be telling my grandkids the same stories about my life in Bloemfontein & Pretoria. I want them to look forward to visiting me so I can keep them entertained with my stories of seeing the world. The experiences. The people. The atmosphere.
I can never stop dreaming. I don't want it to stop. It's one of those things I do best.
"Happy are those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
A friend once said that to me (damn, just remembered, it was her birthday on the 21st of August. Crap. Forgot to call her. Damn!).
We were chilling at her place a few years ago and I was telling her about where I see myself in the future and what I want to achieve etc. And what she said has stayed with me since that day. I believe in it completely. If I don't believe in the beauty of my own dreams, then who will?
All this stemming from a few shots of a guy with waist-high tennis shorts.
Turns out he was just a regular oke, who decided he needed a good time and went to the rave. Can't remember what his real name is though, I think he's 52 or something... Granted the marketting strategy worked. And I have absolutely nothing against that.
Anyway this post is not about good ol' Vern, it's about this guy...
There I am, chilling on an easy weekday listening to The Fresh Drive (5fm) and they just so happen to be having the special guest... Mr Koekemoer himself in the studio. So I'm thinking "O hell yeah, I wanna know stuff about this guy".
Cool, so they introduce him and they basically explain how the whole thing unfolded (him becoming famous and all). Good, now I know the basics. Then it's time for the phone calls. And white people are calling in like flippin maniacs. They're so "stocked" to be talking to him, and that Fresh has brought him into the studio, they can't even ask proper questions... around the end of the show. Some two idiots (two separate callers) call in and can't shut up about how much a hero Vern is. They on some...
Ja, howzit Vern, listen ey Vernon, you're like my flippin hero ey!
I'm like, wat!? Hero? Haibo! How now?
And this is like a looong time ago. Around Feb or something. And this whole 'hero' thing seems to have spread everyfuckingwhere. Since that guy called into the show, only thereafter did I realise how much white people like saying: "you're my hero". Not in the sarcastic or whatever way. And I'm not talking about people who've actually done anything heroic, I'm talking here aboout regular people. Like people who just pose in photos. Just like Vern the Hero.
I think white people need proper heroes. Sorta like black people have so many heroes. And I mean real heroes. I would hate to hear a black kid say they don't have a hero. Alive or dead. Most black people I know, look up to their family members as heroes. Yes, even those with brothers in jail and whatever.
With our history most black people alive today, especially those who died at the hands of the previous government, are our heroes as black South Africans.
But considering the way whites were living pre-94, I doubt they actually have anybody to look up to in a good light. What can they honestly say they have done to better the lives of white people today?
White people need a hero. ASAP.
Feels good don't it?!
How come there are no women in Scotland?
Tell 'em to Google me baby!
Here's a thought:
What comes up when you Google yourself? I know it's a sign of vanity, but really, try it. Google yourself just as you Google'd me. See what comes up. Then Google me again; this time using my full names (I'm sure you're familiar with them by now?). See what comes up now? I'm sure you'll realise there's an obvious difference between you and I. Google knows me. On the other hand... Google has no clue who you are. Oh... does it suggest other names you could be looking for? Or does it simply give you the 'Your search did not return any documents ' error?
Anyway, thanks for the time you invested in Google-ing for me, and thanks even more for clicking on that link and reading my blog.
You should leave a comment or something, so that I know you were here.
Thanks again.
ps: in case you think I Google'd myself... no. I live in Pretoria but work in Johannesburg. And all my proxy is actually in the next room, so it can't be me. And the proxy at my previous employer is in Cape Town, so...