So here's the deal.
The plan was to change my way of doing things. Might not be a major overhaul, but even if it's just slight changes here and there as I go along.
Obviously some things I wont put up here, but others I might. For those that I do put up, I hope might inspire you to look at things in your life differently.
I think to start off with. The biggest change has to be with how I handle stuff relating to work. And finding a balance between personal and business.
For some unknown reason, I woke up on a high this past Monday. I was determined to make that day better than the days before it. And so the 20-Day challenge ensued. Yeah I said 'ensued'.
Initially I didn't plan on making changes over a certain period of time, I just thought that it's gonna be just that one day and everything would be back to normal the next day. Needless to say, it didn't go back. The main reason I decided to limit this adventure to 20 days is becuase I was convinced I'd be going on leave from work on the 11th of December, so I wanted to get things done before I go on holiday. *turns out my leave is later than the 11th*
Come Tuesday morning, I was just as hyperactive. Not wanting to lose my momentum, I got to work and immediately started working. Not something I do very often, as I normally start (really) working at around 9am. But yesterday was different.
Amongst the things I wanna upgrade/change/re-arrange/modify is my work ethic when it comes to my tee business. I realised that I wasn't handling things as effectively as I could.
So, today I created a spreadsheet of all the pre-orders and everything else in between. Then sent it off to my better half to work her magic on making charts and stuff, so I can see how the whole biz is doing. What can I say, I'm a creative, so numbers don't really meean much to me. I wanna see pictures and colours and stuff to understand what I'm looking at.
So from now on. Everything will be done Excel-lently. No more writing orders down on pieces of paper. OK, I'll still be doing that, but that's not where they'll stay.
Pic courtesy of Gettyimages. Please don't sue me, I'm on a mission.
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