I'm sorry, but I just gotta be honest.
I hate poor people. I hate poor people, convicts, drug addicts, and anyone along those lines. Actually anyone who considers themselves "reformed" in any way is also hated by I.
Yes. HATED. Strong word, right? I know. I used it.
Before you get off your high horse to attack me... lemme explain.
You know how when you're chilling at home on a lazy weekend, watching TV and as you're channel surfing your way through the 50+ channels you've been blessed with... someone on some reality show (or whatever) just pops up with eyes full of tears and disgusting drool dripping from their mouths talkinf about how poor/violent/abused/bad/unfortunate/miserable they are/were?! <-- that's one sentence by the way. ;) Yeah, those people. Those are the typa poor/abused/violated/unfortunate/miserable people I totally hate!
Espcially the ones on "reality shows". They'll be all up on your TV screen talking about how they absolutely have to win. Based solely on the fact that they're poor/miserable/unfortunate or whatever sad excuse they can come up with.
These are the people that'll say something like "If I don't win this competition, I'm gonna end up on the streets again" or "I'm doing this for my family back home in the 2 roomed shack sleeping on an empty stomach every day"
I don't care too much for such people (see what I did there?). Those are the very people that shouldn't even be on such shows in the first place.
That's all good and well. And if by any chance you actually are talented and I think you deserve to win, then hells yeah! I'll vote for you. I'll vote till my fingers go numb or my airtime runs out. Whichever comes first. I'll vote till my fingers bleed and my phone overheats. Bottom line: I WILL support whatever it is you're trying out for.
But one mistake you shouldn't do is this... DON'T YOU DARE THREATEN ME WITH POVERTY! Or crime, or violence, or whatever misfortune you're faced with in your life. That has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you're good or bad at whatever you're doing. NOTHING.
Don't be all up on my TV talking about if you don't win, you're going back to a life of crime and drugs and all that hogwash. I DON'T CARE! As a matter of fact, as soon as you mention anything along those lines, I'm completely discarding your attempt at anything you're trying to achieve.
If you really wanna win something or want to achieve something. Don't come up trying to use your background/past as a reason why you deserve to win or achieve that particular something. I genuinely don't care.
It's a pity that not a lot of people follow the same principles as me. Else we would be so much better of as a race.
Whose fault is it that you're poor/miserable/unfortunate? I dunno. And I don't care. Don't your misfortune to gain whatever you want. If you're talented you're talented. Leave it at that. Don't come and say the reason you're so good at whatever you do is because you're poor and it's all you have/had. Don't come and pull the pity card on me. It ain't happenin' yo!
I guess it's a well known fact that South Africans have a weak spot for poverty and misfortune. I think that's the reason why so many people pull the pity card when the moment calls for it. Doesn't work on me though.
Ok. Rant over. Normal programming will resume shortly.