If there's one thing I don't understand, is why chubby/hefty/thick women don't like themselves. Obviously not all of them are like this, but the few that don't, really disturb something deep within me.
As much as we can blame the media for portraying beauty as some skinny size zero model, that doesn't mean you as a bigger woman, have to comply.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with being bigger than your peers. Nothing wrong with not being able to wear what your friends wear. Absolutely nothing.
I understand that being bigger poses a bit of a threat to your health but who said you can't be bigger and still live heatlhily? Who said just because you're slightly over a certain weight, you have to eat a full chicken, a loaf of bread and two litres of Coke? No one. There's absolutely no reason why can't be you and still enjoy a proper meal every now and then. Instead of living off of celery sticks and peas.
It seems the trend nowadays is being a certain size. It's become more and more prevalent in the entertainment industry with musicians like Jeniffer Hudson and Marsha Ambrosius (from Floetry) looking like runway models.
Marsha before...

Marsha now...

I for one don't find skinny women attractive. I don't care if it's in your genes or not. Fast metabolism or not. Skinny is just not for me. Sorry.

I don't understand women who say most men like skinny women for whatever reason. It's like saying most men like huge breasts and small behinds. Granted, some might, but not all of us do.
If only people would learn to love and accept the bodies they were born in. This world would be a much better place.
Me. Out.
Kisses to all my thick women out there!