Monday, 31 March 2008

I feel like I'm dying...

Now I wonder if they'll laugh when I am dead...
Why am I fighting to live, if I'm just living to fight?
Why am I trying to see when there ain't nothing in sight?
Why am I trying to give when no one gives me a try?
Why am I dying to live, if I'm just living to die?


Tuesday, 11 March 2008


Don't you dare say I didn't warn you!

somethin's comin in April!



Monday, 10 March 2008

This is seriously getting out of hand!

Ok, I know we're probably the capital of HIV/AIDS worldwide, but that doesn't mean we have to prove it every other week.

I just read in the papers that another one of South Africa's musicians also has AIDS now.

It's sad really, I mean when such things happen, who is expected to take responsibility?

All of a sudden you realise you're dying coz of your promiscious penis, and now you want some sort of sympathy from us.

I just don't get it.

At the end of the day I guess you get what's coming to you. If you sleep with a countless number of loose women because you're all famous and stuff (without protection), what more can you expect except getting sick.

I've said this before, and I'll say it again... I will now waste my hard earned money paying for your damn irresponsibility. Your AIDS is not my problem. I wasn't there when you decided not to use protection.

That's it.

I will not waste another minute blogging about this whole AIDS issue. If you dumb enough to still get you ass infected in this day and age. I feel nothing for you.

Rest in peace!

Sunday, 2 March 2008

blog update...

Hello World!

I've made a few changes to teh blog.

I've added a poll thingy on the top right. I'll be updating it as often as I can.

I figured since I don't really have any people commenting on mah blog, might as well have some sort of user input while I'm at it. If that doesn't work, then I don't know...

I've also added an email button () at the bottom of every post. So go ahead, explore my blog a bit more... Feel free to share it with your friends & families... ;)


Saturday, 1 March 2008

My apologies to the fans

I know I promised you 5 posts in 5 days (here), but then I got crazy busy during that time, and couldn't fullfil my promise.

Hope you understand.

Because you never say anything, I'm gonna ssume it's okay to just change things around without even apologising for it.

...and, because you never say anything, I'm just gonna assume you're okay with me not delivering 5 hot posts in 5 days

thank you for understanding...


[#3] Changes...


I've noticed over the past few months and years, with my over-exposure to the internet (esp. Flickr), that more and more people are not scared of showing their faces (and their girlfriends/friends/cousins/sisters/families/whoever else) all over the interwebs.

So after seeing a large number of people doing this with no fear I've decided that it wont be such a bad thing if I were to do the same. Share my world with y'all. Hell, who knows maybe that'll get me some comments up in this biatch!

So yeah, that's it...

The motivation's prolly coz I just wanna show off my new girlfriend (i.e. when I finally find her)


...or maybe even all the Ms. Not-Teh-One's I run into. So that when I blog about someone you all know what they look like. What are the chances that you'll actually tell them they be on the interwebs??


if you're wondering what this whole numbering thing is all about... check here!

Please don't let me be misunderstood!

I've realised I have a serious problem.

When I talk (especially to myself ...NOT!) I find that I repeat stuff a coupla different ways just to make sure that the listener clearly understands what I'm talking about.

The reason I do this is, I often use short sentences when I talk hoping the listener would get what I'm saying without having to repeat myself or having to breakdown the sentence.

But in an attempt to be better understood, I have discovered these two wonderful words... "Y' understand? " I find it saves me a lotta trouble of having to start from the start. ...yeah!

So when I'm talking to someone, and they stare blankly at me with that "maybe I'm too stupid for this conversation" look. I just stare back at them and go... "y' understand?"...with that "you're need me to chew this for you, don't you?" look show that I'm expecting an answer.

While writing this post, I've realised that the main cause of my little "OCB" problem, could be the people I speak to tend to get distracted by the unexpectedly large amount of information I'm throwing at them all at once.



this is just a random rant... feel free to ignore it... didn't really feel like spewing a lotta intelect on a Saturday afternoon.
