Monday, 10 March 2008

This is seriously getting out of hand!

Ok, I know we're probably the capital of HIV/AIDS worldwide, but that doesn't mean we have to prove it every other week.

I just read in the papers that another one of South Africa's musicians also has AIDS now.

It's sad really, I mean when such things happen, who is expected to take responsibility?

All of a sudden you realise you're dying coz of your promiscious penis, and now you want some sort of sympathy from us.

I just don't get it.

At the end of the day I guess you get what's coming to you. If you sleep with a countless number of loose women because you're all famous and stuff (without protection), what more can you expect except getting sick.

I've said this before, and I'll say it again... I will now waste my hard earned money paying for your damn irresponsibility. Your AIDS is not my problem. I wasn't there when you decided not to use protection.

That's it.

I will not waste another minute blogging about this whole AIDS issue. If you dumb enough to still get you ass infected in this day and age. I feel nothing for you.

Rest in peace!
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4 killa comment(s): on "This is seriously getting out of hand!"

Charles Siboto said...

lol!!! Amazingly enough HIV/Aids is basically a non-issue for me and my only qualms about it is getting injected with the stuff by some sinister nurse whose heart I broke or being involved in a freaky donkey cart accident with a bunch of infected peeps.

I worry about cancer....

Charles Siboto said...

One last thing. How do you get your blog out there? I just post and hope people come over. You have an overflow of visitors - how do you do that?

tehPaperCut said...

sup FreeB!

thanx for the comments bru...

about the AIDS thing. I also don't really worry much about it. Though I am FULLY aware that it's out there and killing people.
What I don't get, is how people still continue to get they asses infected in this day and age. How are we supposed to have a prosperous future if all the young people are the ones being irresponsible with their lives and dying all over the place??

That irritates me!

About the publicising mah blog... I tell almost anyone who's interested in whatever we're talking about at the time. (Shockingly, I'm pretty opinionated in real life too).
I also have a links to it, on most of the social websites I'm part of [flickr etc.]. (Same applies to my site)

I guess that explains all the visitors who come from coutries where I don't even know people at!

thx for the comments

*sorry I took so long to reply, busy with my site re-design*

Anonymous said...

Have you guys realised how HIV/Aids messages have changed over the years? From Aids kills to you can live longer with Aids? The messages have changed from talking about Aids for what it is to praising it. There are so many diseases killing people out there and i just dont understand what's so special about Aids.