Wednesday, 28 January 2009


Just saw this on the web...

To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.
-Elbert Hubbard


"I hate people"

That's what Donald Trump said on last night's episode of The Apprentice.

He said: "I have a problem with people. I hate people. Someone can say something to me and I can hate them. I take things very personal."

Those might not have been his exact words, but you get what I'm saying. The reason I couldn't hear anything is because that woman with the high-pitched voice kept yapping (pictured below), I filtered her noises out. I only heard when Trump said that. I don't know what triggered it though.
I realised that I'm more or less like that. Not to compare myself to The Donald or anything, but in all honesty, I have the same problem.
I snap at people. I slip into defensive-mode very easily. I hate it when people decide that whatever I say or do is wrong, simply because they think it's wrong for me to say whatever it is I may have said.

I hate that.

Don't get me wrong, I welcome all disagreements to whatever it is I say or do; just don't come and tell me that I shouldn't have done or said that. I don't live my life to please you. Or anybody else for that matter.

I don't see why I (or anybody else) have to conform to what society considers normal or appropriate or whatever the fuck.

I don't care about conformity or normalcy. Especially if it's according to your standards. In that case I care even less. It's that simple.

I'll give you an example... a very fresh example at that:

I wrote on a "celebrity's" wall on Facebook that I shared a star sign with that particular "celebrity", and left it at that. I wasn't expecting a greeting card/SMS/email/special-unmarked-box/reply/anything from her, I just wrote there because I felt like it.

Then a few hours later, I get a message from a friend of mine (also on Facebook) saying that I shouldn't embarrass myself by writing on that celebrity's wall, because they have 3500 "friends".


I mean what the fuck!? What does it have to do with you on whose I choose to write? Does either of us lose credibility as friends. What do I get for not writing on there? Do I stay on your list of "Cool friends" longer?

Don't bother answering!

I don't care!

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Strippers can't/don't walk

Let's face it, walking is pretty simple. All you have to do is just put one foot in front of the other, and move towards a direction (usually foward). Very easy. As a child you spent a long time trying to master this fine art of walking. You fell on your behind a few times, but that didn't stop you. You got up and tried and tried and tried again. Up to the point where you don't even have to think about it anymore. Great! Good for you. Congratulations!

I don't know a lotta strippers. In fact, I don't know any strippers at all. Not one. But after watching an episode of 30 Rock last night, I realised something. I've never actually seen a stripper walk. Not once. (Except in movies when they chase after the good guy who happens to see the good in them, and wants to take them out, treat them like real women. You know the drill.)

Anyway, so I'm watching this great new sitcom that's only been introduced to our TV screens on Monday. And in this particular episode (I think it's the first, I dunno) the main actress is out at a strib club with Tracy Morgan, in what was initially just a simple lunch meeting.
So they end up at this strip club, and I noticed how none of the strippers actually walk anywhere. They don't walk. They sorta dance their way wherever they wanna go.

It's like they're stripping while 'walking' towards stripping.

Especially the lapdancers, everything is a dance. Picking money up from the floor, walking away after being rejected by potential 'clients', everything.

In fact, I don't think I remember seeing Demi Moore walk anywhere throughout Striptease. I can't even remember how she ended up on that boat, dancing for that guy. I really don't remember. But I remember her dance moves though. I guess that's the whole point for the movie. Maybe they didn't even show her walk. I don't know.

Either they're dancing everywhere or they're crawling. Never just walking. Maybe it's all part of the performace anticipation thing.

"Keep the stripee interested at all times"

If there are any strippers out there, maybe you could clarify this for me.

Or maybe I should dedicate a night out and go to a stripclub; all in the name of research. It's for a good cause. I'll come back and blog about it too.

Everybody wins.


Monday, 26 January 2009

Blind rape

Just saw this in the paper this morning.

There's a blind man (40) who's being accused of having raped a 20 year old woman in Mpumalanga, South Africa.

Now, what I don't understand is how exactly could this happen? No really, I tried working on as many scenarios as humanly possible, like maybe the girl lived with the man and while she was sleeping, the guy took advantage of her or something. I don't know.

But still, in any event, why didn't the girl just ran away or fight him off or something? How did he know what to do? How did he know he was raping a woman dumb enough not to do anything about it until afterwards?

I'm thinking the woman consented to it, then cried rape afterwards. After thinking about how embarrassing it could be if the guy told all his blind friends about that heated moment of passion with her.

Either that, or it was just pity-sex. And then she started getting embarrassed when her friends realised what had happened or after she told them about feeling the warmth or a blind man.

I don't actually know any blind people, so I can't really say whether this guy was aware of his actions or he was just blinded by his raging hormones. Excuse the pun.

Maybe they were in a relationship all along, and when it came to consumating it, the girl went through with the plan until only during the act, and changed her mind. Leaving the man blue-balled and fuming. LOL.

Ok, I gotta stop.

Hope it all turns out okay, I also hope the woman is alright.


article: Blind rape

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Hunger strike

Ok, maybe it's just me here, but how does a hunger strike actually solve anything?

I mean really. You starve yourself in order to try and convice people to change their minds about something. Or at least that's how I see it.

What I don't understand is how people actually end up giving in when people threaten (and sometimes follow through) with a hunger strike. Why do that? Why not just leave these people to starve themselves. Afterall it's a choice they're making. How many people out there will sell their left arms to get even a stale slice of bread to even nibble on? Millions! There are thousands and thousands of people who go to bed on an empty stomach not by choice, but because of the simple fact that there's nothing to eat.
And you CHOOSE to starve yourself to prove a point. Go right ahead. I'm not saying you shouldn't do it. Please, by all means, go ahead and not eat anything. How that benefits the people of Zimbabwe? I have no clue.
How does not touching the food in your fridge benefit people who don't even have water in their fridges? I'll tell you how... it doesn't. That's how.

The people for whom you are busy going on strike for, would much rather you actually do something about it apart from standing at a street corner picketting on an empty stomach.

Here's an idea: since you're not eating the food, why not have it shipped off to those very same people you're starving yourself for?

Do that instead.


ar ticle: Hunger strike for Zim

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Some stuff you don't even know

Ok, considering the controvesy caused by what I posted on my birthday, I think it's only fair that I reveal a bit more stuff you didn't know about me.

Is that ok?

Ok, let's go. I was gonna number these, but I don't wanna limit myself to a number.

I'll probably fill this in as the day goes on. So you'll probably only see this at the end of today. Which is basically in four hours. Unless I decide not to post it today, then you'll have to wait for tomorrow.

Still, whenever you see this the above paragraph wont even matter.

So here goes.

1. I think about my dreads almost on a daily basis.
2. I never know what to wear until I actually have something on, then take it off and wear something else.
3. I sleep naked (most of the time) Considering how hot and humid it is where I live, you can't blame me.
4. I have 3 pairs of 'spectacles' aka prescription glasses.
5. I don't always wear my glasses.
6. I wear one pair more than the others.
7. My wrists+hand area is almost identical. Right = Brown leather strapped watch + thumb ring. Left = Brown leather arm band + middle finger ring!
8. I have two beauty spots on each hand.
9. I sometimes talk to myself about myself.
10. I laugh at my own jokes. I don't need your laughter LOL!
11. I don't talk too much.
12. I can't stand people who raise their voice. For whatever reason. Especially if you shout even if you're holding a mic. I think that's dumb.
13. I always think people could do things differently. No matter what it is. In whatever field/industry.
14. I'm passionate about people. Real people.
15. About 95% of my friends are female.
16. 95% of the contacts on my phone are females.
17. I talk more on the phone than I do in person.
18. I like writing.
19. I have an opinion about almost anything you can think of.
20. I win most arguments. Hands down. I argue based on facts more than anything.
21. I used to be very good at drawing with a pencil and a pad in high school; till I decided to burn it and start a new one. (it got full) Haven't started since.
22. I don't regret anything. Except #21 I think.
23. I prefer black pens over any other.
24. I make doodles while on the phone and in meetings (who doesn't?) Mostly arrows. Or my initial signature (the kind you sign at the bottom of each page of a contract).
25. As much as I love cooking, I get lazy to cook for myself. (Especially when I'm alone)
26. I make a killa cup of coffee.
27. I put a lot of time and effort into my weekend breakfasts. Especially on Saturdays.
28. I spend too much time behind a computer screen.
29. I play Solitaire when I'm bored or can't sleep. I only play the games that have either 1 or two aces on the floor.
30. Of the 11 official languages, I hear & understand 9. The other two I don't consider South African.
31. I'm a tribalist.
32. I think in English sometimes LOL! Actually most of the time.
33. I took typing class in high school.
34. I also did music.
35. I listen to almost every type of music. Minus 80% of gospel.
36. I like walking around barefoot.
37. I like walking around naked. The advantages of living in a huge townhouse by yourself. There's no need for me to dress. The least I can do is wear boxers.
38. I'm right handed.
39. I cut my nails every other Friday. Religiously so.
40. I don't really like watching TV.
41. I like reading. A lot. But I don't think I'm not much of a book fan either. I wonder why.
42. I like (and prefer) brown leather.
43. I prefer female friends over males anyday.
44. I get self conscious around strangers.
45. I have a deep-ish voice. I think it's gonna get deeper as I grow up.
46. My first born is gonna be a girl.
47. I'm gonna love the mother of my child during their pregnancy. Even if she eats gerkins with peanut butter. I heard they do this.
48. I wanna stop wearing glasses, but I'm short-sighted. :(
49. I prefer wearing jeans and a t-shirt to work.
50. I think I should've been either in advertising or marketing or being a stylist or something along those lines. Though I love the line of work I'm in.
51. I love clothes. Pity I can't really afford them sometimes. :(
52. I'm looking forward to seeing the older version of me. With family, wife, kids and everything. The car I'm gonna drive... just everything.
53. I'm a big dreamer.
54. I get excited by my dreams. Especially when I'm all alone, and I get down to even the finest detail of how I'm gonna realise that dream.
55. I've never been in a cop car.
56. I've never seen the insides of an active prison.
57. I'm unconfortable around dodgy looking people. And I promise to kick their asses if they should try something (in my head though).
58. I'm over protective of my female friends.
59. I can love without being in love. When I do I love with all of my heart.
60. I can't hide my hate.
61. I've had great experiences with strange people in strange places. Ecpecially when I needed help. I think I look innocent enough for them to feel safe with me. :)
62. I've been mistaken for a girl. A lotta times. I think the deep voice helps in this case.
63. I don't smile at strangers.
64. I'm not always audible.
65. I hate raising my voice.
66. I taught myself how to drive.
67. I don't get along with my dad. Though I look and sound just like him.
68. I never wake up on time. Even if I set the alarm, I always wake up 15 minutes later.
69. I don't wake up and get out of bed immediately. Even if I'm late. There are people who do that!
70. I like black gadgets. I have two black phones. I also like white gadgets. :/
71. I didn't know what my name really meant until like 2 years ago.
72. I gave myself a middle name. After my father and my grandfather. Wanted to keep it in the family.
73. My grandfather used to play the trumpet. And he was damn good apparently. I'm gonna buy one.
74. I keep a lot of notepads that I write in but never refer back to. They just full of doodles anyway. :p
75. People think I'm a nice guy. But that's after I decide whether I like you or not. Otherwise, you'll never know what kinda person I am.
76. I always have to have toothpicks after eating anything. Except yogurt. LOL!
77. I'm missing my mother right now.
78. I wanna travel the world. See places. Do things.
79. I think I grew up too fast.
80. I'm always the youngest in almost everything.
81. I'm a go-getter. I'm just lazy to go get.
82. I used to be very forgetful. Hence the notepads all over the place.
83. I used to be the shortest in class up until late in high school.
84. I've had dreadlocks for over 6 years.
85. I own property.
86. I have all my bank cards from when I first started working. And all my credit cards.
87. I don't have credit at any store. Anywhere.
88. I don't use credit. I buy everything cash. Long story.
89. I can cut people completely out of my life.
90. I don't talk to people as much as I should.
91. I'm a bit anti-social.
92. I don't have to tell you that I'm a creative.
93. I taught myself how to swim.
94. I can't float. :(
95. I still have all my access cards from all my previous jobs.
96. I'm a bit of a collector.
97. I know more than most people I know. That worries me.
98. I don't know exactly what my talent is. I mean that 1 thing I'm really good at.
99. I don't sing in the shower. I talk. I complain about buying a shower head every time I'm in it, then forget about it when soon as I'm out.
100. I used to be obsessively compulsive about washing my hands.
101. I don't like shaking hands.
102. I don't hold onto escalators in malls. I don't know why people do that.
103. I hate sloppy people.
104. I hate a lot of things about a lot of people.
105. My password doesn't change. It's always the same thing. Might be in spelt differently (which I sometimes forget) but it's always the same. All over the web.
106. I have a lot of profiles on a lot of websites.
107. I've had my heart broken.
108. I wish I didn't have to come to work.
109. I know a lot of peoples' inner-most secrets.
110. I was pretty smart during my school years. :)
111. I don't know how good I am at DIY. I like paying artisans to do things for me. It's what they're good at afterall.
112. I can't bake. I've never tried.
113. I'm not too sure how to use an oven.
114. I can do wonders with a microwave oven though. :)
115. I prefer chicken over any other type of meat. You can't got wrong with chicken.
116. I laugh at wit more than slap-stick comedy. Basically I prefer Chris Rock over Leon Schuster.
117. I'm obsessed with knowledge.
118. I always wanna know how something works. Even if I don't ask. I think about it.
119. I hate it when people expect me to talk about my blog posts. It's like being a comedian and people always ask you to tell them a joke. A simple "I liked your piece" is more than enough. Thanks.
120. I'm always thinking of getting more tattoos.
121. I can talk nonsense at times.
122. I like being serious.
123. I don't have a bubbly personality.

I think that's about it for now. There you go. A collection of random things you might not have known about me.

Whenever I think of something to add here, I will just post an update.

Like this:


124. I don't really have a nickname. I never introduce myself by any of the nicknames people give me.
125. I like reading number plates as a full word. e.g. DLT = delete.
126. I like taking pictures.
127. I got my first camera on my 11th birthday. It's with my mom. I hope she still has it.


Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Volume 3.0 - waiting.

Coming 01.04.09.

Are you ready?


Friday, 9 January 2009


Ok, might as well do this now, since I'm not that busy.

First of all. I think it's bery important to appreciate things. No matter how big or small, major or insignificant. Just don't overdo it. Everything in moderation, especially thankyous.

Come on now.

I don't understand people who want to say "Thank you" for every single thing. Everything. By everything I mean every-fucking-thing. Everything.

I can't understand that. I can't seem to comprehend people who say "thanks" at the end of every phone call.

I don't get that. Seriously.

Them: "Hello?"
Me: "Hey, what's up?" (yes, even in phone calls my spelling is immaculate
Them: "Nothing much, you..?"
... blah blah blah, empty conversation blah blah blah...
then the conversation quickly comes to an end
Me: "ok, then I'll talk to you again some other time, bye!" (thumb is
already on the red button at thispoint)
Them: "alright then, thanks for the call hey!"

It's at this point where I have no idea what to say. Nothing. My mind is a blank. I've got nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Simply because I wasn't expecting that. I can't explain it, but I just can't find anything to say in response to that. Nothing.

I know it's no big deal, but I don't understand why you have to thank me for calling you. You didn't ask me to. I took a few minutes out of the 1440 that I had on that particular day and spent them talking to you on the phone. Maybe that's the reason why you feel you need to thank me, but really, it's ok. You don't have to.
Unless you asked me to call you. Then you can say thanks and I don't have a problem with that. In fact, I insist that you thank me for the very same reason stated above. (I took time out of the 24 hours in my day and spent them talking to you on the phone.)
You gotta thank me for that. I could have chosen not to call. But I did. Be thakful for that. I'm not asking you to worship me. A simple "thanks for the call" will do. Only if you asked me to call you. Basically only if you gave me very little choice.

Same applies to the very akward goodbyes at the end of conversations with fake people. You know, the ones that always want to wish you something... "enjoy your day" (even if it's not your birthday or wedding day for that matter - it's not really YOUR day. It's just a normal day like yesterday, only difference is... it's today.) "have a great weekend" (even if it's not Easter weekend or any specially marked weekend).
And I'm sure there are countless others out there. But you basically get what I'm saying.

Why is it so important to you that I enjoy "my" day? What if I don't. Will you ask me if I did? Will you make it better if I called you halfway through it and told you that I wasn't in fact enjoying my day as you had wished? huh? I didn't think so. SO STOP IT! I mean it.
Unless it actually is my day, I strongly suggest you don't wish me anything. Never mind the fact that you're wasting my airtime. It's only because I wont even spend one second of said day, thinking about how you wished me a "wonderful day" and that I must make sure that I do just that.

I don't care if it's courtesy. Keep it. Unless it indeed is my birthday/wedding day/Easter/Christmas or any other day that we both know should be enjoyed.

Don't even say that at the end of your emails. It's irritating.

Though there are a few people I allow to say these things to me and get away with it. Purely because they genuinely care about me enjoying my day. I appreciate it ladies. :)

I appreciate you wishing me enjoyment, but I don't actually care.

Ok, thanks, bye-bye!

Enjoy your day!


3 things

1. Happy new year.
2. I've got 2 fresh posts coming up for the new year. Still in my head. Just need to type them in here.
2.1 One is about: strangers
2.2 The other, about: thankyous

I'm writing this here so I don't forget. And also that you don't think my blog is stuck in 2008.

I forgot the third thing now. Guess I should change the title to '2 things'. Maybe not. I like the smartypantsness of it all.

I've been working on a whole lotta designs inspired by pics I find on the web on a regular basis. So look out for that too.

Or you can sneak a peak at my flickr account to see what's been up.


after-thought: for some odd reason, I never start blogging within the first week of the new year. I think I did the same thing last year. hhmmmm....