Didn't really think much of it, but when I checked who had made this unapologetic request, I was a bit suprised with a dash of disapointment.

It was none other than... our very own... successful local poet Ms Ntsiki Mazwai. That's right, the very same younger sister to Thandiswa Mazwai and Nomsa Mazwai's older sister.
I'm not too sure what to think of this particular setup, whether to think less of her becuase she's crossed over to the piracy side of the anti-piracy bandwaggon that almost all South African artists have come to preach so much; of to basically appreciate the fact that she's afterall a regular South African who wont pay R7000+ for the software??
I dunno.
I guess I appreciate the fact that as an artist with 5000 friends on FB, the bravery in that alone is amazing. Imagine if somebody from the Business Software Alliance was one of her 'friends' and raised the flag. That would have turned out to be one of those 'we want to make an example of her' situations where a miinor issue is used as an example at all the anti-piracy campaigns by the BSA.
Well, I hope it doesn't get any further than this.
If you're that guy ripping, burning and selling local music CDs like there's no tomorrow... have faith, there's hope out there for you, even the stars themselves are doing it. Don't stop till you get enough.
No, wait, I'm not endorsing piracy or anything here, I'm just saying... since it's considered okay (by Ms Mazwai herself) to illegally copy and distribute international software, I guess it should also be okay to open your own manufacturing and distribution center in your own backyard.
At least that's what I'm getting from all this...
I don't know about you, but I expected something different...
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