On my way to work today I somehow thought about this whole religion thing. Basically, why is it that religious people are so convinced that they're on their way to a better place? That they're just passing through this world to get to the next? Why?
I mean, if God (or whoever sent you down here) wanted you to be in Heaven (or abovementioned 'better place') wouldn't he have kept you there? Why would he send you down here, to this world full of temptation and sin, only to decide on your fate later? Whether you're going back into Heaven or you're doomed to eternal damnation... aka Hell.
Is that fair?
Is it fair to send a mere mortal down to a world full of everything good and bad only to see if they can make it? To see if they can jump the hurdles which are bound to be in their way only to judge them based on the decisions their brains (the ones that you gave them) thought to be right at the time??
I'm not questioning religion or Christianity in any way. I'm only questioning the logic behind this belief system.
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