Give any black person anything to do and the first thing they'll ask you is... "when do you want this?".
Regardless of how urgent the thing already is, they'll still ask... "by when?". You can give a black person a time-bomb with 30 seconds left on the timer, and they'll still ask you... "by when should I defuse this?"
You know why?
Black people are motivated by a deadline.
In any way shape of form. As long as it has a due date, a black guy (for political correctness: by guy I mean a black person) wont do it until there's at least an hour before the closing date/time or whatever.
Try this, observe any random black person looking for a job for instance. What's the first thing they look for? You guessed it... THE CLOSING DATE! Never mind if they even qualify for the damn job. All they really wanna know is... "when should I start applying for this job?". Not "by when should I have submitted my application?"
What they want is when the last day is, so they can fill in the form the night before, then run around getting coppies certified, etc. All this while telling anyone who cares to listen "closing date is today, I need to apply!" And they always seem to have some permanent grin on their faces while looking for that ever illusive stapler.
Even competitions are like that. We don't enter shit! Not because we can't or we don't want to. We just wait for the closing date to come so we can go mail that entry form.
Not once have you ever heard a black person say, "oh, that, I've entered already". Never, not once, not ever! NEVAR!!!
Then we complain when we don't win shit.
How many times have you seen a black guy saying "I've never won anything in my life!"? Huh?? All the time? Thought as much.
That one guy who happens to win anything is that dude who happened to be persuaded by some sales person to enter now. Either that, or that over-eager relative entered on their behalf! He was probably gonna wait till the closing date any way.
Is seems the words "Closing Date" translates to something like "Start By" when it comes to black people.
Have you seen how many black people are in queues on the last day of anything? Anything and everything.
- Lottery queues are longest on the day of the draw
- Queues are longest on the last day of tax returns at the revenue service's offices
Basically queues in general are longest on the last day, because of black people. We don't get out of the house unless there's a reason. And that reason better be a closing date, otherwise we aint going nowhere.
We wont settle our debts till we get a FINAL letter of demand from whoever we owe. And unless that letter has a "Payment due by" date, then they might as well come get the money themselves.
Black women won't take maternity leave until that baby's about to pop out. And when they get labout pains at work, they claim "But the doctor said in two weeks!?!" LOL! Ok, I'm gonna stop now.
I'm not saying I'm innocent in all this. But I do try. And I have won a couple of competitions in my time.
I love my black people!
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