I just don't understand this.
So it's lunch time right, and you're feeling a bit hungry coz you may have skipped breakfast for some reason...
That's all good and well.
When the clock strikes 1pm, the only thing on everyone's brain is... foood. Nobody cares if they're supposed to be recieving an important email. Everybody can't wait to throw the world famous rhetorical question: "...can we do this after lunch?".
Which is understandable, I mean we are after all entitled to at least one hour's lunch every day.
Everyone goes their own separate ways; and cliques everywhere get together to strategise on eatery to invade.
But there's always that one guy (yes, it's usually a guy) who's always spinning his car keys around his index finger as he heads towards the parking lot. If it wasn't for the lunch box under his arm, you'd think he was headed somewhere to grab a serious bite. But no!
He's not going anywhere. He's just going to his 'special place' where he's far from any sort of distractions as he munches away merrily at the contents of his favourite lunch box.
I often wonder what makes guys do this...
I've basically concluded that it's probably because the food is just so crappy, you don't wanna be subjected to comments from your colleagues and random onlookers for eating stuff they can't immediately identify.
Either that, of your wife (of whoever prepares the food for you) doesn't know her pots from her pans, so your food is always a surprise when it comes down to the eating part. So you'd rather be suprised in the privacy of your own automobile. LOL!
If it's none of those then you're probably one of those weird people who hum while eating or you make scary sounds that you can't explain.
If not that, then you share your office with people that never go out on lunch so they're forever trying to make irritating small talk about everything that's happening on their computer screen.
You know those people? Who talk no matter what. Even if you have the phone to you ear, they insist on saying something to you. If they see you're clearly busy on the line, they make hand signs. (I hate those people)
Anyway. Whatever your reason is for not eating in public is, I'm sure you have a very reasonable exuse for that. It probably reasonable to you only anyway.
Please don't think we're weird if we stare into your car trying to figure out if it's being stolen or not.
Come to think of it. Your eating in the car is actually a sure-fire way of ensuring that no one cares if there's an unknown person fiddling around under your steering wheel...
Have you thought about that??
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