Damn, I was so shocked to hear the death of the World's greatest performer. The man who made wearing pants that don't touch your ankles with white shoes the coolest thing ever.
The guy who I was convinced, after seeing the music video to Do You Remember, was a magician. The part where he turns himself into dust to avoid being captured by Eddie Murphy's men.
The mini-movie Thriller, where he changed from human to zombie to human to zombie again, had me completely convinced that the late Michael Jackson had some magical superpowers.
His walking on tiles and how they glowed, also fooled me into believing that he had some sort of electricity constantly flowing through his body. I mean, how many people do you know who can make concrete glow as they step on it? Exactly!
You can't blame me, I was young and believed everything I wathed him do.
His videos were by far the best thing to watch. Wathing him dance had me believe that I could move just as smooth.
The world's greatest performer!
May his soul rest in peace.
I'm really sad that he died. He's always been one of those people you never think they'd die. He was back on tour for godssakes!

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