I had an epiphanous moment last night. Only last night it occured to me that I spend waaay too much time doing the one thing I hate the most waiting. I procrastinate like tomorrow's guaranteed. Yet we all know it isn't.

And I'm sure I'm not the only one. But what is there to gain in waiting for something to happen when the only thing standing between waiting and getting something done is actually doing it!?
I think as a people, we spend a lot of time waiting for things to happen. We spend a lot of time postponing things for "the right time". Who said right now isn't the right time? Who decides when the right time is?
It's a whole different board game, if you have absolutely no power if waiting is inevitable; like waiting for a delayed flight. You can't just decide you're gonna take a bus instead because you don't wanna waste another second waiting. You don't really have a choice, you have to wait.
But waiting for things that you can change or do something about right now is just plain inexcusable.
A lot of things pass people by because they're standing on the sidelines waiting on the world to change so they can make things happen.
My question is: Why wait? What's standing in your way to becoming a better you or being in a better position than you're in now?
//After motivating myself to stop waiting. I got up, cooked (for the first time in a looong time) washed dishes and cleared out my stuff till around 1am this morning.
What are you waiting for?
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