Now that we got that out of the way. Let's dissect the happenings of yesterday...
So there I am, just clicking around the internets, and while on Twitter. I see this girl saying something about dark jelly something or other... Being the food junkie that I am. This obvious

Emphasis on: ...dark jelly-like blood clots, ...look like liver.DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE AMOUNT OF VOMIT I HAD TO SWALLOW AFTER READING THAT?!
It is at this point that I immediately stop reading and decide that I'm not gonna run the risk of seeing something like this again in the near future, and unfollow this person. But before I do that, because Dineo is a fellow creative. Somewhat. I think it's only fair that I let her know what I'm about to do and that she's aware of the reason why. Hence the retweet.
The plan was, to unfollow her and return to following her after a few days. That's usually how long these things last, right? OK then.
She then decides to reply by saying:

Anyway, explaining further the reason behind my unfollow. I reply:

OK that last part was mean. Obviously the jelly has nothing to do with anything here. Let's not blame it on the jelly.
Let's blame it on the fact that someone mistakes follow-count for
Internet numbers are just numbers to me. Yes, they represent people who are actually interested in hearing what you have to say and everything else in between. But having 1000 versus having 10 is really no big deal to me. It matters, yes. But I'm not gonna kill myself if I don't reach a thousand followers by my birthday or whatever! (though it would be nice)
I may have 400+ followers and all, but that does absolutely nothing for my ego, personality, or body odour... NOTHING.

This isn't about followers. This is about someone tweeting something that disgusted me and took my unfollowing personal. It's not you, it's me.
I'm the one who doesn't wanna read about your blood clots.
I'm the one who thinks some things, like things involving your reproductive system, should be kept private. Where they belong. Otherwise you might as well walk around with your skirt pulled to your waist every now and to let the world know that there's live-looking jelly in your panties. Go ahead. I dare you to do that. Even for a few seconds. I TRIPLE DARE YOU!
No one in their right mind would ever do such a thing.
So why should your 1000+ followers be subjected to such? Why am I being attacked for choosing to look at the birds in the sky when you figuratively raise your skirt for the world to see?
As much as you see nothing wrong with pulling down your jelly-ridden panties, I see nothing wrong with choosing NOT to read about them.
I know you're reading this and saying, "you could have just ignored it." and you're right. I could have. But then what's the point of following someone and not reading their tweets? Might as well not see them at all. That's my logic, open for discussion.
I read all the tweets of the people I follow. As long as they are on my timeline when I'm on Twitter, then I'm gonna read them. Otherwise what's the point of following 300 people only to read 299 of their tweets?
Again... it's not you, it's me. I'm not sorry for unfollowing you!

Follow me, I promise I wont tell you about blood jelly. @tehPaperCut
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