So hundreds... okay maybe not hundreds... or celebrities are flocking to historically-impoverished Mother-Africa year in and year out to provide aid to the needy. There's nothing wrong with that, we really appreciate it.
But how many people were in desperate need of aid during the hurricanes in New Orleans? Tens of thousands. And yet very little was done to help them out in any way, the little that was done is nothing compared to the kind or charity that some African countries receive from USAID, UN and the likes.
How come you never hear of a documentary outlining the most porverty stricken areas in the United States? For some reason the media seem to be focusing too much on what Paris Hilton is up to instead of concentrating on what the average American struggles with. For some of us who are overly exposed to American glam lifestyles to a point where we were shocked to see our black brothers and sisters' homes wash away in the tragedy that was Hurricane Katrina. The whole thing lasted only a few weeks on our TV screens before we were blessed with yet another shot of yet another celebrity adopting a foreign child. How come none of these 'celebrities' cared enough about their fellow Americans to try help them out with food and other essentials?
Considering that black American are a minority in the US, I guess there was no way things could've played out any differently. There was just no way GW could've send more people to go help out the poor minority groups stranded atop their houses.
Tinstead of focusing on getting them help, they instead focused on how "ungreatful" they were being for the very little help they were getting and therefore "looting".

Wouldn't you loot, if you didn't have the loot?
Anyways, this is not what this is about...
This is about this:
How come poor people seem to only be potrayed in gangsta-shoot-em-up kinda movies? Either that or some stupid comedy about how much black people love chicken. Why can't we learn anything from America? And yet, Oprah shows some footage about how some black walk for 10 miles just to get to school, and everybody is suddenly in tears and wanting to come to "THE MOTHERLAND" and help out. Again, I'm not saying we don't need your help. We do. But I'm of the opinion that there are people Black, Yellow, Green, Indian, Purple whatever, that are also in serious need of your generosity. What about them?
And why the focus on Africa so much? Do you have any idea the kind of living conditions some Asian countries are living under? Try to look past the 800 million people walking up and down the big city lights in China, look at the way they live in the slums. No wonder some Asian cities have resorted to being sex-tourist attractions. And a majority of "tourists" that frequent those countries are American. Meaning they're making a lucrative business out of other peoples' unfortunate situations.
Considering the number of expats living in the US, I doubt they're all living the high life complete with all the glitz and glamour that comes with proudly annoucning "I live in America now" when meeting with old friends back home. I doubt their lifestyles have changed much. Granted they may have lost their original accents, and probably dream in English now, but I doubt the average American living in the US is any better than I am here in Africa.
This is based simply on the fact that I refuse to beleive everyone in the US is "well off".
I'm pretty sure they go through the same day-to-day struggles we go through.
All I'm saying is, show us the poor people in the US, show us how they live, maybe they need aid muh more than we do.