1 Wish.
I wish I lived in a country where we didn't have to wait for international artists to grace our shores before we can actually enjoy some good music. I wish we had more local shows you'd sell your sister to go watch. I wish South Africa was a priority when they plan their "World Tours". I wish we got more music in our stores music stores, that we didn't have to wait six weeks to get 340ml's latest album from the supplier or another branch. I wish there was a music store that sells strictly international music, and by international I don't mean American. For some reason, when someone mentions 'international', people immediately think American. I wish they didn't. I wish they didn't have a corner that's marked 'Other' in the music store close to where I live. I get my musc from that corner. I wish I had a broader scope to choose from apart from all this commercialised music. I wish South African musicians would stop making crappy music and expect us to buy it simply because they said 'support local music' at the end of their textbook interviews. I wish we had less commercialised music. House music in particular. Not all of us want commercialised music. Some of us just want music. I wish South African musicians would stop trying to be "international". No one's buying your CD in the US. I don't even think expats are buying your CD. We're the ones subjected to your endless yappings about being "niggas who aint ready fo yo shit". Guess what? If that's the shit we're supposed to be ready for, I'm never gonna be ready. I wish we had musicians who spoke truth to power. Not these people who are just trying to make a quick buck. Why do we have to hold on to every last word spoken by the likes of Tupac, Erykah Badu, Common, Talib Kweli, AD, Slum Village, MosDef, and The Roots? Why can't we have our own messages in song? For some reason, our music only focuses on one portion of music; the partying side of things. We can't party all the time. What happened to the messages. Messages to uplift us.
How come no one in South Africa makes real music anymore? Music is being made
simply because the contract you signed said you have to keep releasing albums for the next 3 years. Even if your content is the same, just as long as you release something. I wish I had more music. I wish I had an iPod. I wish I had better earphones.
All I wish for is music.
Music speaks to me. Music relaxes me. Music excites me. Music fills the spaces in between. Music makes me wanna get up and dance. Music makes me wanna sit down and listen. Music allows me to be. Music comforts me. Music is my friend. Music can never turn on me. Music will never talk about me behind my back. Music is honest. Music is real. Music is escapism in it's truest form. Music is life. I can't imagine a day without music.
Even though they claim that some music makes people kill people. Music doesn't kill people; people kill people! How come you've never heard of someone having done anything positive and it being blamed on music? People have had tons of babies off Barry White's music. That's all you'll ever hear. That people made babies to his music. In South Africa, gospel (after traditional music) is the most popular type of music, the most produced and the most purchased (also the most repetitive, but that's a story for a nother day). And yet, no one does a good thing and blames it on the music.
My one wish is music.
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