This is very important.
If you're a tourist, or you have absolutely no idea what to wear on a Friday in sunny South Africa. Then this post is just for you.
First of all, let me start off by saying... Hawaiian-shirt Fridays/Cartoon-imprinted-tie Fridays are a thing of the past. If you wanna look 100% Sefrican [sic: South African] you just gotta get yourself some replica shirts. Preferably soccer jerseys, simply because rugby ones are made out of some thick fabric coz the throw themselves around a lot. So go for a soccer jersey instead. Keeps you nice and cool, plus the fabric is so much lighter.
If you live anywhere inside the Free State border, and are of African or coloured descent, then please read the following carefully: STOP WEARING BLOEMFONTEING CELTIC JERSEYS ON FRIDAYS (or any other day for that matter)! Just stop it. Please. I'm begging you. Please. Pretty please with a cherry on top? :(
Look around you, everyone is wearing it. Every one. Every one and their mother. From the young and innocent to the old and elderly.
Honestly the way everyone seems to have these shirts, you'd swear they're handed out for free at every street corner.
If you life outside of the Free State and wanna show patronage to the mother land. Go right ahead. Wear it any time you feel like it. Just don't wear it till the green starts fading. Eish.
Now, back to the traditional Sporty Fridays dress code code of conduct:
- If you're gonna wear the Celtic shirt, as an example, make sure that there's a game on over the weekend. And if there is, please wear your shirt proudly and grin at fellow Selesele supporters.
- Don't wear formal shoes "to even things out". It's not working. Especially if you are a manager and are tryin to fit in. Wear sneakers. Not your favourite running shoes. Sneakers.
- Unless you work out in the sun the whole day. A peaked cap is not necessary.
- Under no circumstances whatsoever must the jersey be tucked into your pants
- You may not wear a formal belt with your jeans. (Are you listening, Mr Manager?)
- If your team is not playing that particular weekend, and you happen to own more than one replicas, (of different teams obviously) please ensure that you are wearing one that is also worn by the majority. If you don't know anything. Don't wear the replics jersey. Your safety and reputation is important.
- Just because you are wearing the same jersey as some stranger in the street, doesn't give you the right to invade their personal space. I understand your excitement in discovering this new style of dress, but hugging strangers is frowned upon.
Ommitted rules also apply. Use your own descretion.
Thank you.
related: Fandom
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