I think it goes well with the fact that February is considered "Black History Month".
This is the first one I did:
With 5 of the most influential "Africans" of our time - in my opinion. Malcom X, Barack Obama, Dr Martin Luther King jr., Nelson Mandela and Steve Biko. All feeling good to be African! LOL!
The background and inspiration behind this creation, is a speech/peom by former State President (then Deputy President) Mr. Thabo Mbeki titled, I Am an African. Which he delivered on the occasion of the adoption by the constitutional assembly of "The Republic of South Africa Constitution Bill 1996." Delivered in Cape Town on 8 May 1996.

Followed by this one. Didn't actually plan on having two. I just wanted one. But I thought it made more sense to only have African-Americans this time around.

Excerpts from the poem:
Together with the best in the world, we too are prone to pettiness, petulance, selfishness and shortsightedness.
But it seems to have happened that we looked at ourselves and said the time had come that we make a super-human effort to be other than human, to respond to the all to create for ourselves a glorious future, to remind ourselves of the Latin saying: Gloria est consequenda - Glory must be sought after!Today it feels good to be an African.
It feels good that I can stand here as a South African and as a foot soldier of a titanic African army...
//get it here//
To me this speech encomasses everything that makes us African. Everything. From what makes us African to our beautiful vista all over the continent.
It makes me feel proud to be an African.
So yes, today it does feel good to be an African.
3 killa comment(s): on "teh PaperCut Designs"
hi my name is lerato and its my first time on your blog, i just wanna say: I like your designs,what inspire you?and you no what i like about them, the colours that you use they compliment each other.Great stuff! keep up the good work.
hi my name is lerato and its my first time on your blog, i just wanna say: I like your designs,what inspire you?and you no what i like about them, the colours that you use they compliment each other.Great stuff! keep up the good work.
Thanks so much Lerato, I'm sorry I'm only replying to your comment now, I wasn't aware you had made one.
Sorry ne, please come back for more :)
I'm inspired by a lot of things, more especially things I come across all around me. TV, magazines, the internet... everything really.
Thanks again.
Much appreciated!!
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