Ok. Let me preface this by saying that... THIS WORKS!
As usual, this here post is filled with nothing but awesomeness, mixed in with some hardcore facts. Are you ready to change your life forever?? Huh? I can't hear you!!!!?
Right, let's rock...
As you may or may not know, I never finished my tertiary education. So that means I don't actually have a diploma or degree or anything along those lines. So first chapter (quick: grab a pen or print this page...) where was I?
Oh, first chapter: Drop out of school.
You might think this is the easy way out. Coz you might actually hate going to school and learning something at this point in your life. (note: 'school' in this article, refers to any form of tuition you may be recieving right now)
Here's why I'm saying you should quit school:
- School can never teach you talent.
Yes, there's only one reason... And that's about it. School can guide you on how to harness whatever talent you're born with and actually put it to good use for the benefit of some large corporation. This is all good and well. But lest we forget one thing. You might actually not want to spend 40 years of your life wearing chinos to work for 40 hours a week. You might actually have dreams and aspirations you may wanna explore. Stuff that's not in your Management textbook. Stuff that only the university of life can teach.
You can spend your whole life fixing computers, but once you realise that you wasted a good 3-4 years learning about bits and binary only to wake up one morning, start cutting up some clothes only to become a renowned fashion designer. Then lesson one becomes ever more necessary. This isn't something you need to spend two days thinking about. You need a lotta time.
Maybe you're just one of those people who's had their whole life carefully planned out and cast in stone. Basically your life has always revolved around some sort of norm. i.e. You were born > went to kindergarten (creche) > primary school > middle school > high school > varsity > work > retirement home > death bed > grave heaven or hell > eternity.
Maybe that's just the way you were meant to live. Unfortunately for you, no one in the world can come and tell you that you're supposed to life in a different way to how you're living at the moment. No, not even me. It is your life afterall. So in the end, as you jot down the last words in your will, you'll come to realise you didn't actually live the life you wanted. I bet that's exactly what the guy who coined the phrase "live life to the fullest" realised as he lay on his death bed.
What I'm saying here is that you spend a large part of your life living the life that everybody else is living. This is what could pretty much be compared to a rat race: there's already a tunnel/path set out in fron of you, and before you even know you're halfway through it.
Chapter 2: Study IT (i.e. Information Technology)
Yes, the big bad highway where information meets technology. Funny enough, it seems this is the right path follow if you happen to find yourself somewhere in between the middle of lesson 1 (in school). If you don't actually wanna quit school. Don't fret. Just hang in there or just jump the boat and make the switch to IT.
All the great minds of this world studied IT. Some happen to have studied IT and actually dropped out halfway (that would be me). That right there is pure genius. Surely success is busy nibbling at your heels at this point.
I mean look at the richest dropout in the world - Mr William Henry Gates III. That's Bill Gates to you and me.
This dude, dropped out of school only to later become the richest man in the world at the ripe age of 38.
Now, I'm not saying if you quit school you'll be filthy rich by age 38. I'm just saying... you gotta follow your heart. ...and study IT ;-) LOL.
Another guy who studied IT but didn't get very far - Olebogeng Ledimo the guy behind the House of Olé fashion house.

A great example of talent versus tuition.
For gender equality purposes, I'm gonna throw a woman into the mix (even though the 2:1 ratio doesn't make anything equal) ...aaah, look at that womanly smile! :)
...aaah, look at that womanly smile! :)
Simphiwe Dana - she studied graphic design. But have you actually seen anything she's designed lately? I didn't think so. You wanna know why? Coz she decided to venture further into the creative field and become a musician. Not because she sucked as a graphic designer, but because she didn't see herself NOT doing what her heart really wanted. She didn't see herself on her death bed wishing for a second chance so she can stand in front of thousands of people and sing her heart out. And look where that got her... awards.
Chapter 3: Quit your job
Now, I'm partly a good advocate for this. (insert unapologetic self promotion face here)...
But I don't wanna talk about myself. The focus is on making you successful. Maybe even more successful than I am (again, insert relevant face here).
Do you hate waking up early on a Monday morning and already with it was Friday?
Then that right there is reason enough to leave.
Do you spend 80% of your time scheming on ways to make it big?
Another damn good reason for you to resign with immediate effect!
If you feel you can do ABC better than the next guy, then why not go for it? If you feel you'd much rather be selling donuts, then what are you waiting for?
If you hate taking instructions from your dropout boss. Then leave and become your own I-quit-my-job-for-this boss!! And make your own rules!
If your heart isn't in what you're doing then leave!! It's that simple!
Use the recession as an excuse if you have to...
Chapter 4: Love what you do, do what you love!
If you're sitting there thinking you've got no reason to quit anything. Then good for you. But do you have a degree in Phsycology and are busy typing memos for your dropout boss? That alone is enough to make you reconsider!
On the other hand, if you love typing memos and feel that phsycology degree makes you a better friend to your suicidal best friend, then cool. If you've found your passion doing what you love then, by all means, stick to it!
I'm glad to have lived (and still be living) a life that allows me to have done everything mentioned in this post.
Moral of the story...
Follow your heart! Do what you love doing! Drop out of school! Leave work! Do something with your life!!
Here's a quick list of other inspirational drop outs:
- Michael Dell-founder of Dell Computers: billionaire - he read chapter 2, and loved it
- Steve Jobs-co-founder of Apple Computers: billionaire - also inspired by chapter 2
- Steve Wozniak-co-founder of Apple Computers - him too
- David Geffen-co-founder of Dreamworks, SKG
- Larry Ellison-founder of the database company Oracle: billionaire - chapter two manifests itself once again
- William Hanna-of the cartoon producers Hanna-Barbera - chapter 3 & 4
- Sheldon Adelson-real estate and casino owner: billionaire
- Jack Taylor-Enterprise Rent-A-Car: billionaire