I know this because I've been eating pies for a very long time, and regardless of the fact mentioned above, it was only till yesterday that I realised that pies are just useless.

That's another thing pies completely choose to ignore - the reason you're eating one in the first place - to eliminate hunger!
You take the time, effort and energy to buy a pie; find some way to unwrap the wrapper; ultimately end up eating the damn thing, only to end up with pastry flakes all over your face and an unfilled stomach.
I think whoever decided to put meat in between dough, must've intended it to be a starter. NOT something you can eat when you're really hungry. NOT something to eat for lunch, for instance.
That's all I'm saying.
I've decided I'm never gonna eat a pie ever again. It's a complete waste of time, energy and everything else in between.
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