Friday, 23 July 2010

I see fat people... and they're running

Here's one thing I just can't understand. FAT PEOPLE RUNNING. And I don't mean fat as in a little chubby, or with a bit of "baby fat". No no no no... *shaking head vigorously*
Not looking like this -->

I'm talking really fat. Like borderline-obese fat.
Lord knows I love me some meat on ladies, but there's a very thick line between the typa thick I like and unacceptably large! A thick one. Fos instance, if you can't life your leg without assistance... but that's a story for another day!
I'm sure they're just following doctors' orders, but let's get real here. Who's gonna help you if you're out on the road sweating last night's midnight binge off? Who's gonna carry you?
Here's how I reckon these people end up running around in the streets...

  1. (S)he's chilling at home at a healthy weight. Has nothing better to do, so they start having "snacks" in front of the TV or computer coz they're so bored.
  2. Two years down the line, they're at an uncontrollable weight due to all the hobbilessness and binge eating.
  3. They get a mini-heart attack, get rushed to the hospital, and get instructed to either join a gym, start excercising or eating healthier.
  4. So they figure there's a loophole somewhere. So they decide to rather keep eating whatever they want and run it off.
    A win-win solution, right? WRONG!!!
  5. And that's how they end up jiggling all over the streets!

Simple. Isn't it?

Here's an even simpler solution:

  1. Don't eat EVERYTHING in sight!
  2. Eat healthy foods, you don't have to eat healthy when you hit 200+ kilograms.
  3. Run (or whatever) NOW! Don't wait till you have to do it!
  4. Don't wait till it's too late!

See, it's 4 simple steps versus your 5-step programme. Think about it.

ATT: Fat people

  • If you're extremely huge for reasons other than over-eating, laziness, "I-love-me-some-McDonald's", eating when you should be sleeping, sleeping while you're eating, eating while you're sleeping, eating unhealthy food, etc. Ignore this blog post. Actually... DON'T READ IT AT ALL! Stop reading!



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