And their biggest one isn't the usual "I've never done that before", "I'm pregnant" or the "it's your baby" lie. Nooooooo...
Their biggest and most frequent lie is... wait for it... you ready?... OK... here it comes... The biggest and most frequent lie told by women all the way from 16 to 61 is... "I'm going on a diet!" POW! There it is!

Be careful, this lie comes in many different forms... It can be just three
simple words: "I'm on a diet." or the longer version: "I can't eat that, I'm on
a diet.".
The sad part is that this lie is extremely popular amongst the black community. Unfortunately.
This famous lie usually comes early on a Monday morning, when said female realises that they were a bit over-indulgent over the weekend and it's time to change their ways. As if that's gonna change anything.
Do this: On any given Monday, ask a female colleauge if she want to join you for some KFC (or whatever temptation you can throw her direction) for lunch, and look at her face get all minced up as she thinks of the right tone to use in delivering the lie... *face all messed up: "No thanks, I can't, I'm on a diiiiet! (pronounced: daaiyet)".
Then give her a maximum of two days and see if you wont spot her munching down a McD's burger and a Coke during Wednesday's lunch.
A plain lie right there!
How often do you hear a particular woman say they're on a diet, and yet no one notices any change in her weight?
And all females love this lie. Each and EVE-RY-ONE of them. Well, at least those who are concerned about such.
If only women were to realise that there's no quick fix to that bulging waist-line. It takes more than a two-day diet to help you get back in shape or stay in shape. Eat right. Regardless of how much or how little you eat. As long as you eat what your body needs. NOT what you fat molecules are craving!
Stay real!
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