I've decided to start another blog. Yes ANOTHER BLOG! That's gonna be one more blog to update, together with my tattoo blog (which I have easily neglected), my portfolio, my clothing line blog, rView and this one.
But this time it's gonna be different. It's gonna be more personal, yet more informative, more opinionated, and a whole lot more design-oriented. I'm basically gonna be moving everything I've been doing online since day one, to one central place. I'm not copying anything over though, I'm starting a brand new empty blog.
I wanna do this because I have a lot of things that I wanna share with the world, but most of them are locked up either on my profile on Facebook, or are bits and pieces all over the internet. That comes to and end with the introduction of this newness. So expect a more in-depth look at my designs and everything else in between.
Not too sure what I'm gonna do with this blog though, but I think I'ma leave it open for whoever wants to read it.
I'm really gonna enjoy updating that one, I can tell. It's gonna be filled with an even higher amount of undisclosed awesomeness than this one.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
Also... less sharing stuff on Facebook & Twitter... more sharing on my website. Good idea, no?
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