That's my thing from now on.
This blog is filled with undisclosed amounts of awesome!
I'm sick and tired of the news feeding us with propaganda (big word right there) about robberies involving undisclosed amounts of cash, or jewellery or whatever. I'm sick and tired. Sick. And. Tired.
I mean, what's so wrong with disclosing the said undesclosed amount? How's that gonna change anything? Is it gonna attract more robberies because they'll know have a budget to work on? Will it advertise how much of whatever is at the said location at any given time? Who knows? (don't answer that).
So based on those very very valid questions, I've decided that everything I that's worth measuring, is going to be undisclosed. Be it money, coffee, sugar, sex, milk, water, fun, rain... EVE-RY-THING! EVE-RY-THING? EVE-RY-THING!!!
Here's a quick example -
Random guy: Hey, MX, how cool was that party last night???
Me: Maaaan, that party was filled with an undisclosed amount of
Random guy: *walks away confused*
Do I care? Nope! Couldn't be bothered in the least bit! Bottom line is, I did what had to be done! It's called brand reinforcement!
Do you think Trey Songz ever gets tired of sayin "Yuuup!"? I doubt it. Well, maybe he does, but does that stop him from saying it on every other song? Not a chance! He's got other musicians wondering what undisclosed amount of awesome they can add to their songs to make the people pay attention. Look at what Ludacris does... he says "Luda!" just before most of his verses. Reason? In case you're not sure who's coming up next. At least that's what I think.
Now let's redirect the focus back to me again. It's my blog after all.
Say for instance I walk up to a guy giving out free samples of yogurt (or whatever) and he asks me, how much I'd be willing to pay for such an awesome product. I'ma just look him straight in the eye and say... "an undisclosed amount!" ...and walk away... samples in hand.
That's how I roll! I'm hitting you with undisclosed amounts of awesomeness from now on. (see what I did there?)
Hope you ready!
*used without permission. Please don't sue me, Trey!
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