Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Things that suck!


I have to confess, I'm not a big peanut fan.

Okay, I'll eat your ocassional Cadbury's Fruit & Nut chocolate slab (though I'm really a Rum & Raisin fan), but I would never go out of my way to buy a whole sack of Peacan nuts or Brazillian nuts or whatever.

I don't know. I'm weird like that.


Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Jus jumped into teh LogoPond

Great news!!

I'm on LogoPond, gonna give this whole logo design thing a spin.


Have a big break!

Check what I just had mailed to me...


30 x Saisbury's Luxury Belgian Milk Chocolate
3 x ScotBlok Chocolate Flavour
Cake Covering
6 x Loacker Quadratini chocolate wafers
1 x Wallpaper
dipping trough
1 x Sticky backed vinyl floor tile

Day 1: We cut out the KitKat logo from the floor tile and stuck it to the bottom of the trough ( in reverse). Melted about 1 third of the chocolate and poured it into the mould.

Day 2: The chocolate set over night. Next stage was to arrange the wafers in five layers along the chocolate.

Then melted the rest of the chocolate and poured it carefully around the wafers, then over the top.

Day 3: Refregirate for 12hours

Vital statistics: Size L 59cm x W 17cm x H12cm 45,888 Calories 1860g saturated fat 1120 Weight Watchers points (this equates to 3 months worth of a daily allowance for a woman)

Please don't sue me.

If you know where this idea comes from, please let me know so I can credit who I need to.

Otherwise, this is pure heaven for a KitKat junkie like me...



Monday, 28 July 2008

Things that suck! [#2]


I don't like soup.

I just don't understand people who go to an expensive restaurant and order... soup.

I mean come on!


Are you for real?


Some cooked water with something boiled in? Do you realise you're basically drinkin/eating/whatever-it-is-you-do-to-soup(ing) broth?

Do you even know what broth is? Google it!

Please, fight the good fight. Stop souping!



Friday, 25 July 2008

It's time for change.


I've decided I'm cancelling my Men's Health subscription.

For some reason, I don't think I'm the target audience. I think over the past 2 years, 30+ copies (from issue 100) later, I'm just not who they are talking to.

I wont lie and say I never really found the magazine useful in any way. I actually have. I can't say I did the theory and tried it out on someone. It's just that some things you just need to read them in a magazine before you really really know about them.

I dunno whether you understand me...

I just don't think titles like "Burn Fat Fast" right next to "Things She Wants You to Know" still appeals to me anymore. Besides the fact that I renewed my subscription. ONCE. I still feel like I've come full circle. I mean I've never even once used their A.B.S.D.I.E.T. program. It just wasn't meant for me. I'm lean enough as it is. I don't really need a new workout plan.

So I've decided, I'm gonna go for something that's totally directed at me 100% from cover to cover. Tomorrow's Technology Today (a.k.a. T3). Gadgets gadgets and more gadgets. From the skimpily-clad covergirl (sporting whatever gadget's featured in the mag) to the ads. No more... "Eat this... Not that...". Time for some serious geekspeak.

For some reason I just don't think I was ever gonna win the "Belly Off" contest!

I've had enough of those black & white male models, it's time for some girls in bikinis so I can balance everything out. 30+ copies of magazines with b&w male models right next to the full color girls.

Finally the yang will meet it's yin.

Don't worry Men's Health people, I'll still be a proud subscriber to Men's Health Living. Now THAT is relevant to my interests. LOL!




/*/ untitled /*/

Now, first off... I wanna get one thing clear.

We all don't have a lot of time on this here planet. The fact that you've lived as long as you have has nothing to do with anything except the fact that your time just hasn't come yet.

It has nothing to do with the fact that you take a shower twice a day, say Grace before every meal, you bruch your teeth, floss, then Listerine three times a day. Or the fact that you have wear rossary and have one hanging on your head-board in your bedroom. You know, the one you either always hide in the drawer and are even ashamed to look at during sex? Yeah, that one.

All that has absolutely nothing to do with how long you'll live and have lived so far.

Bearing that in mind, living on the edge will also not guarantee that you'll actually die of something. I mean like how people are so scared of bungee jumping or skydiving or anything that has even the slightest element of death in it.

People die in their sleep all the time!

There's probably one that just died after I put the exclamation mark on the sentece above. My condolences.

So I really don't understand why people would want to spend their weekends or vacations. [Or whatever excuse they use to get away from work]. Doing the following: (1) Travelling all the way to Italy to look at where some dead guy used to live. (2) Talking at least 4 hours out of their day to walk up a small hill; admire the vista then walk all the way back again. I mean WTF!?

All these things don't really mean much to me.

I'm more of an event kinda guy. I want to go somewhere to do something that I've never done before. Either that or go somewhere and be part of something that has either never or is the beginning of something.

Take for instance, going clubbling. I don't really do the whole club hopping thing. I'd rather go to the club when I'm gonna go see something special. Like for an album launch or something, or a club's last gig before it closes. Quick examples: I was at DJ Fresh's Definition of House 2 album launch, I was there when a club called Times4 was moving from Hatfield to Sunnyside.
I've only been to Times4 once since. To see this guy!

I don't understand people who do something that's just gonna go be engraved in peoples' minds forever. Another quick example: I'd much rather go to a rare art exhibition than just go to the Pretoria Art Museum [which is not too far from where I live] for the hell of it.

If walking in open spaces and looking at beautiful scenes is your thing, then by all means go for it.
I don't have anything against God's wonderful creations, but let's just say I'd rather see something rare, and not something I probably grew up around. This is South Africa forgodssake! I'd much rather go see God's Window or go to the Drakensberg, or Sutherland or some place where I'll actually see something wonderful. Something like the Niagara Falls or Victoria Falls or even Ratunga Junction or something.

I'm just saying, I'd rather go clay pigeon shooting than wine tasting. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against wine. I love my wines with a passion, I'd just rather shoot something than taste wines. Easy as that.

I don't wanna spend the little time that I have in my life climbing useless hills. I'd rather live my life LIVING my life. Do you understand me?

Maybe I'm being weird, but I don't see spending months hiking up a frozen mountain, with a thick percentage of freezing my limbs off, and an even greater chance of losing my life as "an adventure".

I'd rather risk breaking some bones doing something dangerous like quad biking/go-karting/paintball(ing) [is that even a word?]. It's just the way I'm wired.

This post probably doesn't make a lotta sense to you, and most unfortunately, I don't care.


Thursday, 24 July 2008

MISS ME! Goddamnit!!

I'm gonna start riding a train to work as of next month. I hope I don't end up like this guy...

And I hope he's not like this becuase of the daily train ride.

Maybe he's just anti-social.

I mean, how could you be so desparate for people to miss you? Or to meet new people. There's new people around us every single day.

Shame, it's sad really...

(Found it on Craig's List)

MISS ME! Goddamnit!! - m4w

Date: 2008-07-08, 12:00AM EDT

Every week I check this damn thing to see if anyone in this city of millions has missed me. What gives? I ride the train no less than twice a day, five or more days a week. I'm pressed against some of you in the commute to/from work. Haven't any of you women missed me?

I go to the park. I shop at places. I walk around. I wear shoes. I have ear phones. I drink stuff. Where's my missed connection? Start missing me already, goddamnit. I am very easy to miss.

Monday: Go to work after the weekend. Try not to sweat in the sweltering humidity of the subway. No one misses a sweater. Listen to music to drown out the reality of being stuck in the train with a million strangers; avoid eye contact at all cost. Bullshit about the weekend with the coworkers until quitting time. Get caught up on CL.

Tuesday: Go to work. Eat at one of same four places around work. Walk around a little during lunch, hoping to bump into someone new. Go home and contact friends to make plans for the weekend. Check CL.

Wednesday: Go to work. Getting adventurous now and spend most of lunch break wandering around trying to find someplace new to eat. Realize nothing of interest has been built since I checked last week. End up eating at one of four usual places. Try taking a different route home. This time try to make eye contact with as many strangers as I can on train/bus/ferry/foot.

Thursday: Go to work. Spend most of lunch hour running errands, returning library material, getting money from the bank, and calling up friends to reconfirm plans. Go shopping after work. Walk up and down each aisle to make doubly sure everyone has had a chance to miss me. Get home and get frustrated that still no one has posted with my description.

Friday: Go to work. Spend all day waiting for work to end. Take smoking break. Look around for smokers to miss. Get out of work. Forget all about CL. Find friends and go eating/drinking/event attending. See more strangers in one night than rest of week combined. Stumble home at ungodly hour.

Saturday: Wake up at some point. Roll over to the park. Maybe check out a museum. Try to look deep and lost in thought. Feel envious of all the people missing connections right before my eyes. Think about posting when I get home. Get home and forget or become crushed by laziness or the ennui of it all. Look up ennui in dictionary.

Sunday: Fuck it. I'm sleeping in. I'm doing laundry. I'm ordering take-out. I'm not leaving the damn house. You've had your chances all week. I'm taking a me day. I'm reading a book. And by reading, I mean surfing the internet; whereas by book, I mean porn. Knock myself out with the usual roofie-colada, wine + sleeping pill, so I can wake up in the morning and pack myself into an overcrowded train to get to work and check CL.

Fucking miss me already. I can't do this forever.

  • Location: the train
    it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 746487587


Wednesday, 23 July 2008

1 year anniversary

Exactly one year ago, today, I started weblogging a.k.a. blogging.

Check out my first post here...

I wanna thank all the people who've read my blog and have thrown a compliment or two.

Much appreciated.

Thanx to all the 519 people (at the time of posting this), who've been popping in every now and then to see what teh PaperCut has to say.

I'd like to thank my high-school English teacher, Mrs Clayton, for exposing me to the English language.

I think I paid more attention in your class than any other. Thank you for teaching more than just English. Thanks for showing us how things were on the other side of the fence.

I'd like to thank my grandmother for taking me to a multiracial pre-school, back when mixing races was frowned upon. Thanx for the early exposure. I've never looked at people from different races with different eyes. Everyone's (more or less) the same. Some more the same than others, but the same nonetheless.
Guess that explains why I scrutinize/criticize even the Black people! hahaha! :P

ok, that's enough!

Saturday, 19 July 2008

Skinart blog

You wanna hear something weird...

I almost forgot that I actually have another blog.

Can you believe it?

I know!!

Just imagine.

So I thought it's only fair that I also give it some attention. Seeing as it gets more people than this one (4886 at the time of posting this).

So I'm gonna make them somehow relate to each other. But not to worry, I won't be neglecting this one anytime soon.

I was actually thinking of starting another one. Solely dedicated to some designs I'm working on.


Friday, 18 July 2008

PaperCut Designs [#4]

For my other blog

Felt bad after neglecting it for so long... :(


Friend in need

Just helped a friend of mine setup her own blog.

She just knew she could count on me to help her set one up. That's what I'm about. Basically.

I think she's gonna use it with her friends as a collaborative effort or something.

Anyway... I'm gonna add it to my 'Read Items' list, in the right sidebar thingy.

Check it out at:

(yes, I sent her to the competition, simply becuase WordPress is so much better than Blogger)

Sue me Blogger! I dare you!


It's a happy birthday!!

She looks so happy doesn't she?  :P
I know at least 2 people who's birthday it is today.

One of them... well, the obvious... Nelson Mandela. Happy birthday dude!!

The other, my number one best-est friend in the whole wide world. Let's just call her F for now. ;) [pictured above]

It goes without saying that her birthday just might go unnoticed, coz Mandela's gonna be shining on her shine.

But I've got my priorities in check.

I know where my loyalties lie.

I called her at 5:30 am today just to wish her a happy birthday. sidenote: I didn't wake up at 5:30 just to call her, we (me & my girlfriend) were lying awake waiting for the alarm to go off (@ 6am) when she reminded me that it's F's birthday today. So we woke her up and sang for her. Turns out she had forgotten to set her meditation alarm (which is at 5am). So not only was it a thoughtful gesture, it also helped her start her day on a high note. With friends like us, who needs meditation?



Anyway. I just wanted to make sure the world knew that it's my best friend's birthday today and I hope she grows younger as the years go by.

Love you my friend!

Enjoy your day, and tomorrow, and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that!!


This is her, by the way... clickclick!


Thursday, 17 July 2008

KitKat = Happiness = KitKat = Happiness. Basically

I remember a time where KitKat came in that silver foil thingy you could slice open with your pinky fingernail? Hwy the fingernail you ask? Well, simple... that's what the guy in the ad did. And the all the girls thought it was the coolest thing ever!

Remember how you (actually I don't know about you, but I know I sure do) had the '2-finger' one for when times where hard?

Then as years rolled by, they introduced the 8-finger KitKat, the KitKat Chunky, and one with white chocolate instead of the usual brown - never really liked that one.

Clearly the people at Nestle don't wanna experiment with the South African market, coz there are around 25 different flavours of KitKat out there. Bastards!
25 flavours of KitKat25 flavours of KitKat

Either way, I'm pretty sure I'd still stick to the ordinary one even if they did. Simply because it reminds me of when I was still a kid and used to wait for my mother to get back from work so she can give me R1.50 (1 Rand, fifty cents) to at least buy myself a 2-finger KitKat when the craving was really bad.

But during the school holidays when the living was easy, I knew I would wake up and there'd be at least R3 (3 Rand) to at least hook up the real McCoy... 4-fingers of pure heavenly bliss.

Being an only child has it's perks sometimes. But I had to wake up early so I can run to the corner store to buy it before my friends saw me, so I could indulge at my own pace. In the peace and quietness of home.

I remember the one time, I went to get my 2-finger fix (OMFG... that sounds so peadophilic...ew!).

Anyway. This one time, I ran into my one friend on my way back home. I was already visualising enjoying my KitKat in silent solitude. I quickly slid it in my back pocket. I remember coz I was wearing my favourite orange corduroy pants, you know how hot they get - yes ladies, I've been a fashionista from way back... Long story short... I ended up spending most of the day with him.

Needless to say when I finally got home at the end of the day, my dearest KitKat didn't quite end up as God intended. Most of it ended up on my pants, and the rest was just spread out all over the foil thingy.

Being the addict that I am. I didn't let even one calorie go to waste. I wasn't brought up like that.

I licked that pocket like it owed me something! My mother shook her head in amazement as she struggled to pull the pants away from me. As if to save them or something.

She didn't win.

I needed a break! Not just any kinda break, I'm talking about the kinda break only KitKat can give you!!
I'm a chocolate fiend, I'm not gonna lie...

Got some of the pics from this guy, others were from Wiki. Please don't sue me! :-(


Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Things that suck! [#1]

I've decided to let the world know of the things I hate the most.

So it begins (in no particular order):

  • Peas - I hate peas
  • Fish cakes - WTF!?!
  • I hate baked beans (in fact I think I hate the whole bean family, sugar bean
    and all!)
  • The whole "SMS the word BABE to 35353" advertising revolution! - I really
    don't like them!

expect more... ...soon.


Getting closer to God [finding Jesus #3]

Finding God


Came across this cartoon thingy just now.

It got me thinking.

Does believing in God actually bring you closer to Him and vice versa?

What about all those people who pray to Haile Selassie I, Nombkhubulwane, Budha, or any one of the hundreds of gods (and goddesses) worshipped by millions of Hindus worldwide (you know, the ones that, one way or another resemble elephants) and beleive that he/she is their 'God' or at least theirportal to God? Just like Christians believe Jesus is the way, the truth and the light to get to God.

What about them?

Who do they get closer to? Or do all this gods represent the Christian God in their chosen religions? Maybe. But then again, maybe not.

Wouldn't all these blasphemous questions all be resolved if someone (an Angel or something) came down and told the whole world that what we're doing is right or wrong. Maybe then all our worries and squabbles about the "right God", the "wrong God", this church that churh, will all be sorted and no one will feel that by going to a particular church where they pray in English or some foreign language instead of your own mother-tounge gets you closer to God.

Does it really make a matter who you beleive in? Or does what matter the simple fact that you beleive in something/someone you can't see or touch but can only 'feel'?

I don't have answers to these questions. I doubt anyone does. But I'm asking, just in case.



Monday, 14 July 2008


I have absolutely no justification as to why I love this number. It has absolutely nothing to do with anything. I just think it's such a whole number.

Sure some of you might see it as an odd number which doesn't even come close to being as cool as 25, but I definately think 23 is the next big thing.

Maybe not for you but definately for me.

I just love how cool the two numbers look together. A 2 and a simple yet slightly superior 3. Put together to create one healthy number: 23.

I haven't been attracted to this number very long, just that, it's not very often you get to see it. (at least not since MJ retired from Basketball... all two times)

I think being 23 years old has some sort of significance. I'm just not quite sure what it is exactly.

Maybe it's got something to do with the fact that at the ripe age of 23 I will be embarking on a whole new chapter in my life. Something I've been wanting for as long as I can remember. Someting that's definately gonna make people sit up and pay attention!

Even those who didn't think I could do it will be taken aback!

Watch this here space!

ps: I have never watched the movie: The Number 23.

Friday, 4 July 2008

PaperCut designs [#3]

Just did this one now:

I like it.


Changed it a little:

still like it.


PaperCut designs [#2]

Random one for today:

Don't worry ladies, I haven't lost my skin pigment!!



Thursday, 3 July 2008

Clean-up time

I've decided to clean up my Inbox and Sent Items folders!

I just got back from someone's office. (after a few minutes of ultimate relaxation) I noticed he had only 32 emails in his Inbox.

Or maybe it's because I'm in IT and don't have a limit on my mailbox.
I have a good 30+ emails that I haven't read. Simply because I don't think they're that important.

I have close to 2000 items in my Inbox. Most of which are from October last year.

I have another 1000+ emails in my Sent Items. 90% of which I've never really needed to refer to.

Plus, I have quite a number of sub-folders under Inbox. Lord only knows how many each one has.

I read somewhere (I think it was either this month's MensHealth or the Sunday Times) that having so many emails from so long ago is somewhat related to ADD. A statement to which I say... boolshit!

I call it It's-Not-Even-Important-Enough-To-Delete Disorder or INEIMETDD. A nightmare to abbreviate. But a scientific fact. (As documented in the PaperCut Scientific Journal of Scientifically Correct Facts; Whitepaper on Human Phsyco-analysis, Volume 12, issue #207)

Just because I have thousands and thousands of emails, doesn't necessarily make me a statistic.

Just means that I don't think your email is important enough for me to even waste my time to delete it (nevermind read it).

But all that's gonna change. I'm gonna clean everything out!

If you're still waiting for a reply from an email sent anytime before today. Well, tough... it's gone.

At least you'll get that "Your message was deleted without being read" thing.

And if we've ever talked about anything incriminating, don't worry; the slate's being wiped clean.


I'm proud of myself!

Take a Boy Child to Work Week!

I think it's about damn time we start taking care of the future leaders of this country. The people who're most likely to become the next presidents and vice presidents of this here Republic.

I'm not talking about the glorified next "female president". In fact I'm not very worried if the next president takes a piss standing or sitting. That has absolutely nothing to do with whether they'll be able to run the country or not.

I think education, intellect and ambition have everything to do with it though.

And these are not the kind of things you can learn from the free education given in prison. Yes, prison.

It seems a lot of attention and preference in this country is given to girls more than boys.


Aren't the boys the ones overcrowding our prisons?
Aren't boys the ones who run away from home and become street-children?
Aren't boys the ones who run around raping? (I say people coz they rape almost anything & anyone long as there's a warm hole. Male or female! Young or old! - which totally sickens me, I mean how hard is it to organise a few rand a hire some prostitute torelease the tension?)

Why is it then that even if the above are true, girls are still considered the custodians of this county's future? How come everyone who's presented the opportunity, will (without thinking twice) donate a part of their 8-hour work day to a girl from a private school with everything she could ever ask for and more to come spin around in their CEO chair, while totally neglecting the young boy stuck in a rural school with the bare minimums?

Take A Girl Child to Work Day, is an initiative by CellC, a South African cellular network company (or whatever).
The basic idea is that a school registers with Cell C then they have a few of their grade 10 students sent to a particular company (as determined by Cell C) for a day to see how things are done.
read more here

Taking your girl child to work for a day, doesn't guarantee that she'll make something of her life in years to come. Neither does taking a boy child for that matter. And yet we comtinue neglecting the latter as if he's not in greater danger of ending up either dead or in prison. Whereas the worst that could happen to the girl is that she may end up pregnant, of it she's ignorant enough, get AIDS.

Granted, the average (black) South African child has a much greater chance of not even knowing who their father is. As a result they end up seeking role models in the street. Why are we not as keen to change that? Is this what we've accepted as the norm and there's nothing we can do about it?? I beg, in fact I don't beg. I differ.

I'm not saying we should stop educating the girl child, all I'm saying is that equal opportunities should be given to both sexes. I would hate to have my daughter exposed to better opportunities than her brother simply because she's a girl.

All I'm saying here, is let's have a Take A Boy Child to Work WEEK to strike a balance!

Original PaperCut designs [#1]

I think it's only fair Ishare my designs with the world not only through my site, but here too.
Most of these are not even on the website, so count yourself lucky!


And so it begins...

From this:

to this:

final product:

(they're supposed to be glowing, not too sure why the text is static! faark!!)

Some sigs/av combos I've used on :

My current one:

© PaperCut

Most of these images are animated. They're supposed to animating (lol). Clearly Blogger's not cooperating! O well....


Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Ultimate relaxation

Come on. You just have to admit... sitting on a desk totally relaxes you.

Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about.

You know how good it feels when you walk into your friend/colleague's office and without much ado, you shift his/her paperwork aside and find a sweet spot for you to sit so you can really engage with them on a more personal level.

I don't know if you've noticed but being in this particular situation brings about a very jovial conversation, filled with uncontrollable laughter (which is usually coupled with you rocking back with your head tilting so far back, it just gives in to gravity a little).

You can never really disagree with anyone when you're sitting on an office desk. For some reason, everybody seems to be talking a lotta sense. And not the kind of sense that's needed when discussion issues like global warming. More like the sense that's needed when you're talking about the fat lady at HR who's the main cause of the global warming in the HR department.

Do you understand me? LOL!

Have you noticed how your boss suddenlt assumes he/she's disturbing something everytime he/she (this whole policital correctness is starting to kill this post; from now on, every boss is a he and a colleague is female! That's it. Sue me!)

Anyway... how he automatically tones down a little (especially if he's about to give you a crap load of paperwork for you to go through) he sorta asks you to do the job, instead of the traditional.... "yeeah, um I want you to < insert verb here > this for me..."

You should really give it a try.

Whenever you're called to your boss's office (especially when you're in the dogbox). Sit on his desk swinging one leg (preferably your stronger leg; like the one you scored that goal with at your company's last soccer match, where you scored 2 goals).

Watch him squeel!

"How come you don't call me anymore?"

I believe it was the greatest funkadelic soul singer of all time; mister Prince Nelson himself. Or rather The Artist Formerly Known as Prince, also known as Symbol; who once uttered the words "How come you don't call me anymore?"

This famous phrase, was made even more famous, by the teenage singing sensation Ms. Alicia Keys. Who engraved the words even deeper into the minds of her adoring fans the world over.Now it seems, this popular phrase has become the nightmare soundtrack to my life lately.

Let me break this down...

You know how you are all single and stuff, and you spend hours on the phone chatting to your other single friends about how misserable le single life is? Well, that was the story of my life for quite some months. Granted we had some good times, got drunk as hell, went out clubbing, got drunk out of our minds, got to kick some serious knowledge (which didn't always include weed).

The great thing about this whole thing is that I got to spend some serious time with quality people. Talked about everything most of the time, and other times didn't even need to talk at all.We were on the same wave length most of the time.

It's only at these times that you really get to know people for who they really are. Not just the occasional SMS, I mean seriously getting to know this person with whom you've built this so-called friendship. Knowing what makes them tick, what they are really passionate about.

You know somebody's a true friend when they find your shoulder comforting enough for them let all inhibitions go and just cry if they feel like it.This is basically what most of my friendships are founded on. I also think the fact that almost all my friends are girls, this makes my bond with them even that much more special.

Then comes a time where neither of you have enough time in your 24hr day to call the other and check what they up to. Nevermind hooking up. Just a simple "hello".

I've gotta admit, I'm definately guilty of this flaw.

I tend to just not call people. Especially when I'm in a relationship or whatever.

Hey, at least I'm willing to admit this /in public even/

You call someone and the first thing they ask is "how come you haven't been calling?" I mean WTF! I could ask you the same thing.

It's only after you stop calling people that you actually realise that you've been making more calls than they ever have. But then again it's only when you stop seeing people that you realise how tight you all were, when you accidentally stumble upon that that made it onto the internet where you were all so out of it; you don't even remember when the picture was taken. But you remember how happy you were on that particular day!


Tuesday, 1 July 2008

blog changes

I've made some changes around here...

It's about damn time!

Almost 12 months of blogging does that to a person.