Yesterday I was informed of some awesomeness that'll be gracing TV screens all across the border!
That's right, the one and only Diamond Dealer will be featured doing his thing on SowetoTV (DSTv Channel 150) today.
I'll obviously be glued to my TV that time. My ritualistic PlayStationing immediately after work is gonna have to take the backseat. I wanna be there to witness history unfold!
You might be reading this and thinking, "what's the big deal!?". Well, let me ease your aching head...
The 051Free State range of t-shirts were only launched on the 15th of March 2010. And not even two months later they're gonna be on TV! <-- That right there is a big deal on it's own! Coupled with the fact that I basically took a giant leap in approaching a total stranger and asking them to be the brand ambassador for a brand that had only printed it's very first t-shirts in June 09. A brand that not a lot of people knew about. A brand that is determined to make it regardless of who said what. A brand that has had no sort of funding or exposure from any other big name. This could easily be the very best day of my life! The begining of it all! I just hope broadcast doesn't get postponed/canceled or anything along those lines. *touch wood* Deuces! Keep it 27degrees cool!
PS: Thanx to tehPaperCut Designs for the killa pic :)
PPS: I'm plugging myself like you wont believe.
PPPS: I don't care how that sounds!
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