Tuesday 22 April 2008

PaperCut - Teh token black guy!

This past Saturday, we had a meet at the local Tuscan BBQ in Pretoria.

For those of you disadvantaged enough not to know what a "meet" is; allow me to explain.

A meet is when people from a social networking website, actually meet in real life.

That's my own definition... sue me. ©PaperCut.

To start things off... in no particular order.

Allow me to introduce, a guy by the name of 134z1k, aka "The Bun Killer".
Don't be misled by the innocent smile ladies.

Next, we have... Wik1d. Flanked by his lovely assistant, Ambrosia.
and now, for my next trick...
Also known as... The Prawn Inspector.

And Mr. Organiser himself... KillerByte. Ph34r the man in the black shirt!

The guy with the hair is DAE_JA_VOO, he's the local PCF Mod-Doctor, he appears like that on purpose... check him out here, and/or his work here!

A good time was had by all!

To the guys who were there: sorry I left the other pics out. :)

See moar here!!!
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