Why are black people so obsessed with labels then claim to be "style conscious"? What's that about?
I swear, for as long as people have been designing things and putting their name on it, black people have been the highest consumers of it.
Nevermind if something looks completely crappy, if it's got a famous name on it, rest asured some black person out there can't wait to spend their borrowed money on it and make sure everyone know it's an Ed Hardy original. Do you even know who the hell Ed Hardy is? I do. And I don't own even one Ed Hardy original, simply because I don't actually care much about what the label says, I'm more concerned about whether I like it or not. Whether I look good in it.
I mean look at all these rappers that are all over our TV screens on a daily. You'll rarely see one just wearing your average clothes and not mentioning what brand it is and how much it cost him. e.g. The Luis Voiton Don himself. Okay, maybe it's their way of bragging about what they've achieved with their God-given talents. What's your excuse?
For some odd reason advertising and the media have been feeding us with the notion that wearing a designer label makes you "hot". Well, maybe it does. Maybe it doesn't. Maybe they're just trying to use the media to popularise their brand so that they can make money. No, wait... isn't that exactly what advertising is all about?
This has gotten so far out of hand that people look at you differently if you're not going with the latest trends, the latest and most expensive brand out the at the moment.
If for some reason you're not driving a car with a recognisable brand then forget about getting that girl you keep running into at the post office. She'd rather die than be seen in your trusted Picanto. Doesn't matter if you're probably the guy she's been looking for her whole life (personality & character wise), all that matters is that you're not driving the "right" car. The "right" guy drives an X6, Q7 or at least a Porsche. You know, that guy who always has a different girl in the front seat. Yeah, that's the guy she'd rather be seen with. Not you Mr. Picanto. No... no... no... ala Amy Winehouse!
It is for this very reason that you find so many of our black brothers are so deep in debt, they can hardly afford themselves. They're more concerned about what the Joneses are up to. You'll rarely see a black guy spending money on what they want to spend money on. In fact, I don't even think they know what they want.
This is true for almost everything. Culture, religion, language, who they socialise with, how they socialise with those people. It's all about what the next person's gonna think. It's never about them first then them later.
I swear, for as long as people have been designing things and putting their name on it, black people have been the highest consumers of it.
Nevermind if something looks completely crappy, if it's got a famous name on it, rest asured some black person out there can't wait to spend their borrowed money on it and make sure everyone know it's an Ed Hardy original. Do you even know who the hell Ed Hardy is? I do. And I don't own even one Ed Hardy original, simply because I don't actually care much about what the label says, I'm more concerned about whether I like it or not. Whether I look good in it.
I mean look at all these rappers that are all over our TV screens on a daily. You'll rarely see one just wearing your average clothes and not mentioning what brand it is and how much it cost him. e.g. The Luis Voiton Don himself. Okay, maybe it's their way of bragging about what they've achieved with their God-given talents. What's your excuse?
For some odd reason advertising and the media have been feeding us with the notion that wearing a designer label makes you "hot". Well, maybe it does. Maybe it doesn't. Maybe they're just trying to use the media to popularise their brand so that they can make money. No, wait... isn't that exactly what advertising is all about?
This has gotten so far out of hand that people look at you differently if you're not going with the latest trends, the latest and most expensive brand out the at the moment.
If for some reason you're not driving a car with a recognisable brand then forget about getting that girl you keep running into at the post office. She'd rather die than be seen in your trusted Picanto. Doesn't matter if you're probably the guy she's been looking for her whole life (personality & character wise), all that matters is that you're not driving the "right" car. The "right" guy drives an X6, Q7 or at least a Porsche. You know, that guy who always has a different girl in the front seat. Yeah, that's the guy she'd rather be seen with. Not you Mr. Picanto. No... no... no... ala Amy Winehouse!
It is for this very reason that you find so many of our black brothers are so deep in debt, they can hardly afford themselves. They're more concerned about what the Joneses are up to. You'll rarely see a black guy spending money on what they want to spend money on. In fact, I don't even think they know what they want.
This is true for almost everything. Culture, religion, language, who they socialise with, how they socialise with those people. It's all about what the next person's gonna think. It's never about them first then them later.
Black people are just weird like that. I don't get it.
2 killa comment(s): on "Black people fascinate me"
So true. And it's even worse when they wear their expensive suits and go walk at the taxi rank to go to their rented room at the back of someone's house. Yet you see white guy walking out of PEP or Ackerman's or whatever, and they drive to their house, that they own, in their paid up car. I love black people. LOL
Black people don't own most of the things they have.
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