Friday 8 May 2009

Save me from all this porn!

Oh dear God, I need a prayer!

A few minutes ago, I was on a very popular website called Google. On this particular website, there's a link you can click on to search for images. But if you're smart like me, you can just go type in into the address bar instead.

So I went to GoogleImages and typed in what I was looking for - which was a picture I could use for a blog post I wanted to write - when I came across this picture:

( direct link )

Now, you might look at this and think... (well, I don't know what you might think) ...but the point is. I think this picture is very inappropriate. I won't even mention the website URL on here. I just think a website with a name like is something I should be sharing freely on such an open medium. There should be a warning or something that pops up letting you know what you're about to see... Now I can't keep my eyes off it! Crap!!!

It's basically like watching porn, you know you probably shouldn't but you keep watching to see what's next.

Let's get back to the main point here. I was basically so traumatised by the sight of this particular picture (not to mention the website) that I just couldn't concentrate. I think this is exactly what porn does to one. Accidental porn at that. I wasn't looking to find a site that just so tastefully captures one of my favourite subjects. It definately aroused my senses. My mouth watered at the sight of the website's home page... Eish...

I love food with a passion, and coming across something like this has made me realise exactly how little my options were when it comes to food. I basically eat more or less the same food every week. Now, I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure this is unhealthy.

And seeing this site only an hour from lunch didn't help much either. This is the kind of website people wouldn't understand if they caught me scrolling through. Only a foodie will understand my situation.

I like the fact that the lady who runs it updates it so regularly and covers everything. From fast food to home-cooked meals, to pastry dishes. So there's never a "I've been on this page before" moment. Great stuff.

I love it!

Thanks TFP, for the great porn, I'm lovin' it!

Gotta get me some more porn, be right back!!! I'm addicted!!!!

Somebody pray for me!


I just had to come back and share these particular pages with you...


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