Monday 18 July 2011

Sticks and stones

Imagine you're just chilling, on a cool Monday afternoon, and you get an email that someone has commented on a website you've been featured on.

So you decide to check it out, then this is what you come a across:

I'm not too sure what exactly it is that this person saw on my Twitter page, but still.

Am I the greatest designer ever? No.
Are my designs the most unique-est thing ever to hit the internet? No.
Is there anywhere on the internet (or anywhere else for that matter) where I claim to be the be-a-and-end-all of all things design? No.
Am I guilty of shameless self-promotion over and over and over all over the internet? YES. YES. And oh hell YES!

Am I gonna apologise for that? No.
Why? Becuase if I don't do it myself, then who's gonna do it for me? No one.

So what if my designs aren't the greatest designs ever to hit the internet since porn?
I never said they were. The sole reason why I put my stuff all over the internet is to get some feedback on what I'm doing right or wrong. Not to be judged on my tweets. Not to be praised either. But to be given criticism. Both positive and negative. If someone is just going to come up out of nowhere and say I need more practice or more humility, then I'm all for that. Lemme know where I need to improve, where my short-comings are. Where my faults are. I'd appreciate that. But the rest of that comment was absolutely unnecessary.

I'm not gonna say "don't mistake my confidence for arrogance".
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