Friday 9 January 2009

3 things

1. Happy new year.
2. I've got 2 fresh posts coming up for the new year. Still in my head. Just need to type them in here.
2.1 One is about: strangers
2.2 The other, about: thankyous

I'm writing this here so I don't forget. And also that you don't think my blog is stuck in 2008.

I forgot the third thing now. Guess I should change the title to '2 things'. Maybe not. I like the smartypantsness of it all.

I've been working on a whole lotta designs inspired by pics I find on the web on a regular basis. So look out for that too.

Or you can sneak a peak at my flickr account to see what's been up.


after-thought: for some odd reason, I never start blogging within the first week of the new year. I think I did the same thing last year. hhmmmm....
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