Tuesday 20 April 2010

Biiiiiiig mistake!

So this morning, after several unsuccessful attempts to log on to the interwebs. The network connection at work finally came about and to my surprise (or maybe I should say delight) all websites were open.

I noticed this when I could see Flickr-linked pictures on my website (http://27-degrees.com/). Needless to say, I jumped straight from that site to Flickr.com to see if it really is open. And well, you guessed it, it was. I smiled like a maniac!

Went straight to Twitter, and caught up with the rest of the social networld!

So I've been trying to update my Twitter page but that doesn't work, so either way it's still cool.

Obviously I also came to my blog and updated. OBVIOUSLY!

Biiiiig mistake on your side Mr Government-proxy-firewall-thingy person!

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