Monday 27 August 2007

Vanish, my ass!!!

What the hell!!!

I don't know how many people fall for this whole "miracle cleaning detergent/soap/liquid" crap. But I'm definately not one of them...

First they tell you it cleans iodine fresh out of white shirts... ok, my first question is... what the hell would you be doing with iodine (or whatever other chemical for that matter) on white shirts? Plus; I think whatever cleaning agents/chemicals they put in their product has some sort of reaction with the ioding and therefore looks like it completely cleans it whereas it's only reacting with the agents in the cleaning thingy.

And then there's this other Bang one... (I won't mention names in case I get my ass sued :P) Anywayz... I think that one is a clear lie. Who the hell (apart from coin collectors) would want to put a 5c coin in that stuff to see if it works...?

Then there's the whole "steam cleaning" revolution...

For those of you who don't know, there's this hand-held steaming thingy that apparently is supposed to blow hot steam onto "hard-to-clean" surfaces. I think it's total crap. I think it just blows the steam from one place to another. It basically changes the grime from solid to a messier liquid form that just requires you to clean the mess you just made (in the effort to have a cleaner surface) your damn self.


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