Monday 18 February 2008

[#2] Good news...

This is bad!

I don't get how I never seem to have any good news.

This sucks! I can't remember the last time I actually had anything good happen to me to share with anyone. I think the last time I had anything good to share was when I bought my flat. And even then I was half-happy because it's a big-ass step and you don't just take that lightly.

I called a friend of mine the other day, I wanted to tell her something, she couldn't talk at the time (was busy with her dad) so she asked me if it were good news...

It was then that it dawned on me that I never have any good news to share with people. Don't get me wrong I'm not depressed or anything along those lines. I'm very happy with the little I've got. I love the way things are. I admit I do feel like my life is a bit of a routine most of the time, but I'm pretty okay with stuff. I've got no grudges with anyone or anything like that.

Don't misinterpret this, but I just feel like nothing good ever happens to me. But then again, what doesn't seem like good news to me could turn out to be great news to you. So maybe overlooking the little things in my life is what I do most of the time, but maybe that's exactly what I need to do to achieve bigger, better and greater things in my life.

Maybe I need to start entering competitions or something, so I can win something and tell someone about it. :) lol!

Last time I entered anything I won (a 10-CD hamper), and the time before that (7 years apart) I won (my first and ony pair of rollerblades... yeah!!).

So maybe I should start big. Start playing the lottery or something major like that. I'm pretty sure I'd win hands down. But there're a lot of people out there who need the money more than me, so I'll let them win some first before I jump in and rake in the millions. :)

In the mean time, I guess I could focus on the little things, like getting a goddamn girlfriend. Damn! It's been way too long. Lord knows I've been trying though, so you can't say nothin...

Or getting my driver's licence... yeah, that would definately be good news to tell someone...

I don't think getting a tattoo would be considered good news, but oh well....

One day at a time...

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