Thursday 19 June 2008

Why is it so hard to be black?

Why is it so hard for black people to just be BLACK PEOPLE?

Why is such a mission to be what we'll never be?

Why is it that white people don't go through so much trouble to look or at least even sound like us?

Why is it that it's considered cool to look and sound white?

Why do some white people even continue to encourage this behavior among blacks?

Why do some white people tell these black people "ooh, you speak so well"?
(translation: "you sound just like us")

How come you rarely see black people wearing their traditional clothes?
(I don't mean when there's some traditional wedding or whatever)

How come black people are so insecure in their own skins that they spend so much money buying plastic (or whatever the fuck it's made of) hair in their pursuit to look more white?

As much as you can go to your local PEP store to buy that "human hair", and spend a good 8 hours getting it sown into your head, there's very little chance they'll think you look like them therefore... .

Why are we as black people willing to invest so much time and energy in attempts to teach our white colleagues the right way to say "Hello" in Zulu; and yet we make fun of our black counterparts trying to use the word "infatuated" in the right context? Why do we consider our black brothers & sisters stupid when they can't pronunce some English words or can't fully express themselves in the Queen's language; and again, we applaude like well fed seals, grin like it's the best day of our lives when your white friend finally get's intoxicated enough to swear at everyone at the year-end function... in Zulu!?

Why we trying so hard to be what we can never be?

Come on black man... rise!

Being black is not a matter of pigmentation - being black is a reflection of a mental attitude.

It becomes more necessary to see the truth as it is if you realize that the only vehicle for change are these people who have lost their personality. - Steven Bantu Biko

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