Thursday 19 June 2008


We spend most of our childhoods struggling to get the hell out and get your own crib.

Wanting to get always get your way so that you don't have to answer to anyone.

Then when it finally happens, you realise how hard it really is. Only when you have to be the hand that feeds you do you realise that it's actually not as easy as it was when you were still growing up working on your masterplan to chop up the apron-strings.

Then finally at some point you think you got it all planned out, something major happens. Completely shakes you the hell out of your comfort zone and the first thing you do is seek refuge.

Where else do you go except... home?

Everybody knows this is true. For some reason you know that the only place where you'll get welcomed back with open arms is always... home. Unless of course you just so happen to have torched your parent's bedroom while you were home along during the summer holidays. Then you're screwed. Unless of course that was your first offence. In which case you've earned enough brownie-points to get yourself a get-out-of-jail-free-card (hopefully). If not. You're screwed.

Even famous musicians know this to be true. How many songs out there have the word "Home" as their titles; or even have sell the idea of home being a happy carefree place?

Think about it.

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