There's this new advert gracing our TV screens...
It's an ad where people are basically retelling what happened one day when some woman was almost abducted by a UFO. Until some woman put one Halls "losenge" and after a few moments screamed at the UFO to release the morbidly obese woman. Ending with the word "voetsek".
For those of you who don't know. Voestek is basically a word used to mean "go away", I think it's Afrikaans, but I don't really care. What I care about however, is that growing up, we were basically banned from using the word. Not like apartheid-ban, but more like socially-unacceptable-ban.
What makes these marketing people think they can just pop onto our screen and say whatever they want??
Since when has it been considered okay to say the word like "voetsek" on national television?
What's worse, they use a
Black woman to shout at the top of her lungs... "Hey wena... yada yada yada... voetsek!"
They make it seem like -
"Hey, black people say voetsek, so it must be cool"I mean WTF!?! Motherfuckers!!
I don't know how you were raised, but around my neighbourhood, that word was considered a swear word. My mother would kill me if she even heard a rumour that I had been saying it. Now all of a sudden it gets thrown in our faces like it doesn't mean nothing. Like it's just another cool word.
How is that single mother of 2 supposed to teach her children right (words) from wrong, when TV tells the kids the opposite of what's being said at home?
Where do you draw the line?
I know most people will defend this in saying we shouldn't expect TV to teach your kids manners, but what do you di in the scenario above?
I for one am against the ad being aired. Either they edit it, or they completely can it. I don't care how much money they spent to get that fat woman up in the air!
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