Monday 11 August 2008

This is embarassing

I spend a good 8 hours in one of the most historical landmarks on South African soil. Constitution Hill.

And yet, I have only seen 5% of it. I'm not really even sure what happened here that changed South Africa's history forever.

How is this possible?

I don't know, myself.

So i've taken it upon myself to see small portions of this place everyday. I'm gonna take some pics and upload them onto Flickr.

It's sad how us as South Africans are surrounded by historic places, but never really take the time of day to explore or really even find out why millions of people fly in from all over the world to come see what's right under our noses.

Ask any South African what/where they'd love to see before they die... and the first thing that comes out of their mouths is some foreign place. The exact place where people are coming to South Africa from.


I'm changing that. Starting right today.

How do you spell 'embarassing' by the way?
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1 killa comment(s): on "This is embarassing"

tehPaperCut said...

turns out... embarassing is spelt with two r's.

so it should be... embarrassing.

thx to Miss A for the info!
