Monday 18 August 2008

Open invite - birthday bash!

This is an open invitation to anyone and everyone who's reading this!

You are invited to my birthday party!!

That's right. You are invited.

There's no way I'm gonna be outdone by Mandela. I've decided to throw the mother of all parties. And it's gonna continue till May 2009. Yes. 2009. Who knows I might just extend it to 2010, just before the FIFA World Cup.

Why not? If he can have birthday concerts and parties and stuff since June, why can't I?

I swear it seems like almost everyone who tries to get people to come to their concert or whatever, they just change the name a bit to something like 'The Mandela's 90th Birthday Charity 46664 Nelson Mandela Foundation Party' and that's a month AFTER his birthday. And I'm pretty sure the guy doesn't even know half these people who keep throwing parties left-right-and-centre in his name.

So in light of the above... I've decided to do the same.

So check your inboxes people. The party will be held at an undisclosed location. At a predetermined date and time.

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