Wednesday 23 July 2008

1 year anniversary

Exactly one year ago, today, I started weblogging a.k.a. blogging.

Check out my first post here...

I wanna thank all the people who've read my blog and have thrown a compliment or two.

Much appreciated.

Thanx to all the 519 people (at the time of posting this), who've been popping in every now and then to see what teh PaperCut has to say.

I'd like to thank my high-school English teacher, Mrs Clayton, for exposing me to the English language.

I think I paid more attention in your class than any other. Thank you for teaching more than just English. Thanks for showing us how things were on the other side of the fence.

I'd like to thank my grandmother for taking me to a multiracial pre-school, back when mixing races was frowned upon. Thanx for the early exposure. I've never looked at people from different races with different eyes. Everyone's (more or less) the same. Some more the same than others, but the same nonetheless.
Guess that explains why I scrutinize/criticize even the Black people! hahaha! :P

ok, that's enough!
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