I'm not talking about the glorified next "female president". In fact I'm not very worried if the next president takes a piss standing or sitting. That has absolutely nothing to do with whether they'll be able to run the country or not.
I think education, intellect and ambition have everything to do with it though.
And these are not the kind of things you can learn from the free education given in prison. Yes, prison.
It seems a lot of attention and preference in this country is given to girls more than boys.
Aren't the boys the ones overcrowding our prisons?
Aren't boys the ones who run away from home and become street-children?
Aren't boys the ones who run around raping? (I say people coz they rape almost anything & anyone long as there's a warm hole. Male or female! Young or old! - which totally sickens me, I mean how hard is it to organise a few rand a hire some prostitute torelease the tension?)
Why is it then that even if the above are true, girls are still considered the custodians of this county's future? How come everyone who's presented the opportunity, will (without thinking twice) donate a part of their 8-hour work day to a girl from a private school with everything she could ever ask for and more to come spin around in their CEO chair, while totally neglecting the young boy stuck in a rural school with the bare minimums?
Take A Girl Child to Work Day, is an initiative by CellC, a South African cellular network company (or whatever).
The basic idea is that a school registers with Cell C then they have a few of their grade 10 students sent to a particular company (as determined by Cell C) for a day to see how things are done.
read more here
Taking your girl child to work for a day, doesn't guarantee that she'll make something of her life in years to come. Neither does taking a boy child for that matter. And yet we comtinue neglecting the latter as if he's not in greater danger of ending up either dead or in prison. Whereas the worst that could happen to the girl is that she may end up pregnant, of it she's ignorant enough, get AIDS.
Granted, the average (black) South African child has a much greater chance of not even knowing who their father is. As a result they end up seeking role models in the street. Why are we not as keen to change that? Is this what we've accepted as the norm and there's nothing we can do about it?? I beg, in fact I don't beg. I differ.
I'm not saying we should stop educating the girl child, all I'm saying is that equal opportunities should be given to both sexes. I would hate to have my daughter exposed to better opportunities than her brother simply because she's a girl.
All I'm saying here, is let's have a Take A Boy Child to Work WEEK to strike a balance!
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