Tuesday 15 July 2008

Getting closer to God [finding Jesus #3]

Finding God


Came across this cartoon thingy just now.

It got me thinking.

Does believing in God actually bring you closer to Him and vice versa?

What about all those people who pray to Haile Selassie I, Nombkhubulwane, Budha, or any one of the hundreds of gods (and goddesses) worshipped by millions of Hindus worldwide (you know, the ones that, one way or another resemble elephants) and beleive that he/she is their 'God' or at least theirportal to God? Just like Christians believe Jesus is the way, the truth and the light to get to God.

What about them?

Who do they get closer to? Or do all this gods represent the Christian God in their chosen religions? Maybe. But then again, maybe not.

Wouldn't all these blasphemous questions all be resolved if someone (an Angel or something) came down and told the whole world that what we're doing is right or wrong. Maybe then all our worries and squabbles about the "right God", the "wrong God", this church that churh, will all be sorted and no one will feel that by going to a particular church where they pray in English or some foreign language instead of your own mother-tounge gets you closer to God.

Does it really make a matter who you beleive in? Or does what matter the simple fact that you beleive in something/someone you can't see or touch but can only 'feel'?

I don't have answers to these questions. I doubt anyone does. But I'm asking, just in case.


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